Borrowing more than 30 days?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by rlw7163, Jan 5, 2005.

  1. rlw7163

    rlw7163 Guest

    rlw7163, Jan 5, 2005
  2. rlw7163

    Cy Shuster Guest

    Check your documentation. The network administrator sets the maximum borrow
    time in your license file on the server, in hours, I believe. Didn't
    realize it was six months now! It used to be a week...

    Cy Shuster, Jan 5, 2005
  3. rlw7163

    rlw7163 Guest

    I’ve just requested a new license file today from Autodesk online registration and it shows borrow=720 which I believe is 720 hours or 30 days. Evidently Autodesk documentation is not in sync with their product. Maybe someone from Autodesk can explain why this conflict exists.

    rlw7163, Jan 6, 2005
  4. rlw7163

    Cy Shuster Guest

    Some items in the license file can be edited by you; some cannot (check your
    documentation in your product; the difference is shown by
    uppercase/lowercase). You can edit many options, such as the timeout
    interval, the maximum number of licenses that can be borrowed, etc. You may
    well be able to edit this hour value.

    Cy Shuster, Jan 6, 2005
  5. FlexLM Documentation :
    Changes the maximum period a license can be borrowed from that specified in
    the license certificate for feature.
    The new period must be less than that in the license certificate.

    In the Lic file, the Borrow indicates a number in hours.
    If you want use the opt file, you must indicates a period less than that in
    the Lic file.

    Best regards

    Franck Hervet

    registration and it shows borrow=720 which I believe is 720 hours or 30
    days. Evidently Autodesk documentation is not in sync with their product.
    Maybe someone from Autodesk can explain why this conflict exists.
    franck Hervet, Jan 6, 2005
  6. Thanks for calling this to our attention Ron. The limit is in fact 30 days.
    I have alerted our marketing folks regarding the error in the WEB page.

    Jerry Milana,
    Autodesk Consulting

    registration and it shows borrow=720 which I believe is 720 hours or 30
    days. Evidently Autodesk documentation is not in sync with their product.
    Maybe someone from Autodesk can explain why this conflict exists.
    jerry milana \(Autodesk Consulting\), Jan 6, 2005
  7. Hi all,

    I try this day to change the value BORROW in my lic file.
    When i reread the lic file, the lmtools respond "unsupported".
    My first question is : Can Autodesk give me a Borrow time more than 720
    I have a user that have a mission for 4 month.

    After regarding my Lic file, i see that some product have 720 for the Borrow
    period and other 760.
    Now for my first question, my answer will be Yes.

    My second question is : If i'm connect to my network or not connect, the
    utility to borrow a license
    give me a period of 30 days. how this utility gives this period? Is this a
    limit in this exe?

    My last question is for Ron : What are your experience since your first
    franck Hervet, Jan 14, 2005
  8. You should not change 720 within the license file. Leave it as it is.
    If you want to restrict it you have to use adskflex.opt
    You cannot increase borrowing to more than 30 days.

    Best Regards, Jimmy Bergmark
    CAD and Database Developer Manager at
    JTB FlexReport (FLEXlm report tool) -
    SmartPurger (Purges automatically) -
    or download some freeware at
    More on AutoCAD 2005;
    Jimmy Bergmark, Jan 14, 2005
  9. Thanks Jimmy.
    I'm disappointed! Why this limitation?
    Do you an explanation why i have 720 (30days * 24 hours) or 760 (?? *
    franck Hervet, Jan 14, 2005
  10. Autodesk have made this limitation. Don't know why and I'm not sure where
    760 comes from but if you got the license file from Autodesk that way I
    guess you should just leave it that way.

    Best Regards, Jimmy Bergmark
    CAD and Database Developer Manager at
    JTB FlexReport (FLEXlm report tool) -
    SmartPurger (Purges automatically) -
    or download some freeware at
    More on AutoCAD 2005;
    Jimmy Bergmark, Jan 14, 2005
  11. rlw7163

    rlw7163 Guest


    I put in a support question to Autodesk about this issue and they told me that 30 days is the borrowing limit and that they will correct any information on their web site that says something different.

    In today’s business world where companies are global, I'm surprised that Autodesk put this limit at 30 days. Our company is a very large engineering company with engineers and designers traveling abroad for 4 to 6 months or even a year then return to home base. We would have to take network licenses and turn them into standalone licenses.

    Even Bentley will let you borrow up to 90 days for MicroStation. I thought Autodesk was the leader in the CAD industry. Well if they are the leader, they should be more business friendly and accommodating.

    rlw7163, Jan 17, 2005
  12. Just a couple of things to keep in mind.
    If your traveling users have VPN or similar, remote access to your network
    then they can reborrow in the field. This operation does not require much
    bandwidth so even a RAS dial-in connection should be fine for this.
    Next, longer borrow periods introduce more risk. If a license does not get
    returned for any reason, you are without that seat until the borrow period

    Jerry Milana,
    Autodesk Consulting

    that 30 days is the borrowing limit and that they will correct any
    information on their web site that says something different.
    Autodesk put this limit at 30 days. Our company is a very large engineering
    company with engineers and designers traveling abroad for 4 to 6 months or
    even a year then return to home base. We would have to take network licenses
    and turn them into standalone licenses.
    Autodesk was the leader in the CAD industry. Well if they are the leader,
    they should be more business friendly and accommodating.
    jerry milana \(Autodesk Consulting\), Jan 18, 2005
  13. rlw7163

    TravisNave Guest

    You could run the ACAD.EXE inside of a container program that keeps the date at a static setting. I suppose in that sense, you could keep your license forever. However, I think that is a violation of the license.
    TravisNave, Feb 17, 2005
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