Borrowing licenses

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by swinma, Jun 27, 2006.

  1. swinma

    swinma Guest

    I have a question regarding the use of floating licenses on a network
    USB dongle and borrowing. For us borrowing licenses to other machines
    is a fital issue. According to our VAR borrowing could be done for an
    unlimited time frame. So if one of our employees need a license for 3
    months this should be possible. So we handed in our serial dongles for
    one USB network dongle. And guess what we can only borrow for 30 days.
    And thats not the only issue. When we borrow a license to one of our
    notebooks and the user logs in to another domain the licenses are not
    available. Can anyone please clarify some issues regarding the above
    because our VAR does not know the in's and out's regarding borrowing.
    swinma, Jun 27, 2006
  2. swinma

    CS Guest

    You can only limit borrowing within the set max. The absolute max
    limit is set by the license file and is currently 30 days. (In 2005 it
    was only 10) You can then limit it to less than 30 days by entering a
    line similar to the line below

    MAX_BORROW_HOURS solidworks 48

    that would limit it to 2 days.
    I suppose it may be possible to ask your VAR to request a license file
    that would allow a longer time but it is possible that SolidWorks
    decided that 30 days would be the hard fast max for some reason in
    which case you are going to have to live with 30 days and submit an
    enhancement request to extend it further.

    As far as loosing the license when logging into another domain? I
    suppose it is possible if the license file is tied to a user registry
    because logging into another domain would be concidered a different
    user. But I can't say for certain.

    CS, Jul 3, 2006
  3. swinma

    Cliff Guest

    What if you use a negative integer?
    Cliff, Jul 4, 2006
  4. swinma

    TOP Guest

    I would say that the 30 day limitation is probably not going to change
    without a lot of wrangling since it seems to be programmed into the
    software. But the fact that you can't login when on a different domain
    when you are entitled to is an issue worth pursuing. It should have
    been obvious to SW that the act of borrowing a floating license to a
    mobile computing system (aka laptop) implies the possibility of being
    logged in on other domains, whether it be Starbucks or a customer site.
    And I thought the license was tied to the NIC, not the user anyway.
    TOP, Jul 4, 2006
  5. swinma

    swinma Guest

    Thank you for you're replies.

    We also came across something else, it seems that if you installed
    Solid Works 2005 and 2006 on the same notebook, and you borrow the
    license with SW 2005 you cannot use this borrowed license with SW 2006
    and vice versa. This off course with the same user and even in the same
    domain. We are trying to resolve these issues with a VPN connection. I
    will keep you informed

    TOP schreef:
    swinma, Jul 4, 2006
  6. swinma

    TOP Guest

    I think SW license states that you have to unload previous versions of
    software to use newer versions. I can see a 2005 license not working on
    2006 for obvious reasons, but vice versa is another thing. Must
    upgrade, must upgrade.

    Tot ziens.
    TOP, Jul 4, 2006
  7. swinma

    CS Guest

    LOL, The flexLM options reader will call you stupid and skip over the
    value. =^)
    CS, Jul 5, 2006
  8. swinma

    Cliff Guest

    Probably. But sometimes programmers are rather stupid <G>. You tested it?
    Just curious.
    Cliff, Jul 6, 2006
  9. swinma

    CS Guest

    I tested other incorrect values such as values beyond the max and they
    just get skipped over and not read into the log.
    CS, Jul 6, 2006
  10. swinma

    CS Guest

    OK I tested it and it doesn't skip it it outputs this into the log
    9:25:42 (SW_D) Invalid MAX_BORROW_HOURS value (-50) specified for
    feature solidworks

    In Otherwords "Stupid how am I going to make a user owe me hours"

    All in good fun =^)

    CS, Jul 6, 2006
  11. swinma

    Cliff Guest

    But does it run <g>?

    Tried OS control string codes too?
    One of my programs can be set to run in the future at a specified time & date.
    But if it's a year or more in the future the user will be asked for the
    largest known (at the time I wrote the program) prime number first <G>.
    Unless their answer is correct it will not allow the 1 year + option.
    Cliff, Jul 7, 2006
  12. swinma

    Cliff Guest

    Someplace there may be an environment variable or string that sets
    that max ....
    Cliff, Jul 7, 2006
  13. swinma

    wurz Guest

    I just had a look in our SNL license file, and there is a line that


    which equates to 30 days (30*24 hours = 720 hours)

    As it's in the license file, I would think that only SW could change

    In the FlexLM user manual, there is reference to an options file card
    called MAX_BORROW_HOURS, but this can only be set up to the maximum
    period defined in the license file - in this case 30 days. I can't see
    any other options that would extend the borrow period either.

    Enhacement request perhaps?

    wurz, Jul 7, 2006
  14. swinma

    wurz Guest

    Doh, just looked back as saw Corey's post which pretty much says what I
    just posted......

    Must be Friday......:)
    wurz, Jul 7, 2006
  15. swinma

    Cliff Guest

    Sounds like FlexLM is not so limited and that the limit may be being
    set by SW .....
    One might wonder how the two communicate & when ... but don't do
    anything illegal.
    Cliff, Jul 7, 2006
  16. swinma

    CS Guest


    I have the flexLM book and the variable IS embeded in the license file.
    I am not guessing at this. The testing I did was simply to verify the
    functionality. I also tried to edit the license file manually just to
    see what happens and the license won't load at all then because they
    become invalid.

    CS, Jul 7, 2006
  17. swinma

    CS Guest

    The license manager will then run properly except that the MAX time
    will not be user specified it will be specified by the max on license
    file which is the absolute max unless solidworks makes a change in the
    CS, Jul 7, 2006
  18. swinma

    Cliff Guest

    FlexLM might read license files on execution or license files might
    be executed by the application (SW in this case) which might set
    a system variable. I don't know ....
    Cliff, Jul 8, 2006
  19. swinma

    CS Guest


    Are you looking for an explaination how a license server works.

    First off. Currently SolidWorks has 2 types of licensing. Stand
    Alone, and NetWork.

    As of 2006
    Stand Alone seats verify a proper license by comparing a 16 Digit
    Serial Number to a (8?) Digit Registration Code Which is different
    depending on the package purchased (Office Professional... Etc.) This
    needs no contact with any server and generates it's own license file
    which runs as a separate process and which contains all the information
    relating to what addin's you are entitled to use and SolidWorks
    verifies it's existance.

    NetWork seats on the other hand cannot create their own license file
    and rely on a License Server (SolidNetWork License Manager AKA SNL
    Manager, which uses flexLM technology ) to manage the available pool of
    license files. When a client seat which doesn't have a regcode is
    activated it first calls the SNL Manager, and requests a license file
    (The file being requested is by all rights the same as the one created
    by the standalone seat). Then when the user closes SolidWorks the
    license file is sent back to the SNL Manager and added back to the pool
    of available licenses. (this setup requires a dongle and a license
    file which is provided by SolidWorks and has information for every
    product you purchase directly from SolidWorks with exception of Cosmos
    Designer for now.

    That being said the options we are talking about are options on the SNL
    manager and not on a client machine. The license file we are talking
    about in this thread is not the license file that is sent to the Client
    machines it is the License File that is read by the SNL Manager.

    Clear as mud?

    CS, Jul 10, 2006
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