borrowed license not working

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Greg, May 25, 2004.

  1. Greg

    Greg Guest

    ADT2004 flexLM
    We set up a new laptop for a user last week, installed adt4 and borrowed a
    license so he could go out of town for a couple of weeks. all was well. Now
    he gets a meessage that his ADT can't find a license. I checked the License
    manager and he does have a license checked out. Is there anything I can do
    for this user who is now offsite with no network connection?

    Greg, May 25, 2004
  2. Greg

    Cy Shuster Guest

    What is the exact error message he gets? What steps did you do to borrow
    the license? Did he ever successfully run with the borrowed license? What
    expiration date and other info is shown on Help | About under Product

    There's no way to "re-borrow" the license without connecting to the server
    (which you can do over dialup), but maybe there's another problem we can

    Cy Shuster, May 25, 2004
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