Borrowed License not found

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Reid M. Addis, Feb 11, 2005.

  1. Okay:
    1. ADT2005, laptop connected to network, 45 user FlexLM, blah, blah, blah
    2. Run Borrowlicense command inside of ADT2005 WHILE connected to network
    3. Set date (1 week)
    4. Says license borrowed okay
    5. Restart laptop off of network
    6. Restart ADT2005
    7. Message - no license found, please specify file or server

    HUH? What didn't this work. Where is the license file on the laptop and why
    isn't it found. The only .lic file is in the C:\Program Files\Architectural
    Desktop 2005 folder called LICPATH.LIC, and that is not acceptable, and no
    relevant .dat files.
    Now what?

    This is the contents of the lic file, btw:
    SERVER GRANARYDC01 000347af4321
    SERVER GRANARYDC01 000347af4321


    SERVER GRANARYDC01 000347af4321


    SERVER GRANARYDC01 000347af4321


    Reid M. Addis
    Registered Architect
    Architectural Applications Specialist
    Granary Associates
    411 North 20th Street
    Philadelphia, PA 19130
    Ph. 215-665-7056
    Reid M. Addis, Feb 11, 2005
  2. Borrowed licenses are bound to the user, machine and network adapter. So,
    if you did not log in as the same user or your network adapter was removed
    when you disconnected from the network then your borrowed license is not
    jerry milana \(Autodesk Consulting\), Feb 11, 2005
  3. Okay, I'm controlling using words that I will regret later....(deep breath)
    (Sorry, I had to shout...feeling better now, though I still need the answer)

    Reid M. Addis
    Registered Architect
    Architectural Applications Specialist
    Granary Associates
    411 North 20th Street
    Philadelphia, PA 19130
    Ph. 215-665-7056
    Reid M. Addis, Feb 11, 2005
  4. VPN to the network, then pull as normal from the license server?

    James Wedding, P.E.
    Technology Manager &
    Jones & Boyd, Inc.
    Dallas, TX
    XP/2 on P4-3.4/1G
    LDT2005SP1 & C3D2005SP1
    James Wedding, Feb 11, 2005
  5. MY BAD!!!
    What do I know from domains?
    Anyway, the laptop has two domains - one called granaryassoc, and another,
    like LL45-Laptop.
    I thought when you were off the network you should change the domain. BUT,
    if you leave it as granaryassoc, even though the login scripting routines
    don't work, the borrow license file does!

    Sorry about that!

    Reid M. Addis
    Registered Architect
    Architectural Applications Specialist
    Granary Associates
    411 North 20th Street
    Philadelphia, PA 19130
    Ph. 215-665-7056
    Reid M. Addis, Feb 11, 2005
  6. Reid M. Addis

    fh Guest

    Connect to your laptop to your domain even if your are off your network.
    This works!
    And launch your ADT2005.

    F Hervet
    fh, Feb 12, 2005
  7. Uhhh....can't do this from your house...

    Reid M. Addis
    Registered Architect
    Architectural Applications Specialist
    Granary Associates
    411 North 20th Street
    Philadelphia, PA 19130
    Ph. 215-665-7056
    Reid M. Addis, Feb 14, 2005
  8. Reid M. Addis

    Sam Manzella Guest

    Make sure the user (or you) are not disabling the network adapter when the
    laptop is of the Network (some people do that so they don't get the little
    message saying network not found or something).

    Anyway, If you disable the card from where the license was bound to, AutoCAD
    will not "see" the borrowed license as if it were never borrowed, returning
    the error message you described..

    Basically, leave the Network adapters enabled.

    Good luck,
    Sam Manzella, Feb 22, 2005
  9. Reid M. Addis

    Sam Manzella Guest

    Sounds like you solved the problem anyway.... well then use the info I just
    mentioned for future reference....
    Sam Manzella, Feb 22, 2005
  10. Reid M. Addis

    Garrak Guest

    Say does the laptop dispable the network card when power is off the battry?
    Mine does and will not run AutoCAD unless I set to to stay on.....
    Garrak, Mar 16, 2005
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