Books for 2k5

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Bryan Duffel, Feb 9, 2005.

  1. Bryan Duffel

    Bryan Duffel Guest

    My company has procured a copy of AutoCAD 2005. We are hoping to blaze a
    trail corporate wide with it. I am very excited about this upgrade and I
    have been charged with learning, loving and living it.

    So, I seek recommendations of books and/or authors on how best to get up to
    speed on this program. I know of Sham Tickoo's books as well as George
    Omura's and Ralph Grabowski's. Has anyone here used their books concerning

    I am also looking for books on VBA, ALISP, and VLISP. In particular, books
    written for those with little-to-no programming experience. It's been some
    time since I did any LISP coding, at least 4 years; even then it was fairly
    minimal. I saw a book online, titled 'VBA for AutoCAD 2005 - Guide for the
    Non-Programmer' by Jerry Winters. Is anyone familiar with this gentleman's

    This will be cross-posted to ACAD 2005 group, so I apologize for duplicates
    ahead of time.

    Bryan Duffel, Feb 9, 2005
  2. Bryan Duffel

    Anne Brown Guest

    Crossposted from your post to ACAD 2005. Gentle request not to
    cross post per our guidelines.

    Bryan -

    While waiting for a personal answer, try a search through the
    The discussion group search engine provides flexibility for
    searching through existing message content. To search:

    1. Go to

    2. Select a product (Example: AutoCAD which will include

    3. Type your keywords into the search box and click Search. Note:
    You can further refine your query by selecting a specific
    discussion group from the dropdown provided. Your group choices
    will vary in the drop down, based on where you have navigated on
    the discussion group site.

    Search results are sorted by relevance (a complex query of all
    relevant content based on your keywords and group choices).
    Clicking on the message result will display the entire thread
    (the series of messages and replies). Clicking on the Post date
    will sort the results by date with most recent first.
    Anne Brown
    Discussion Groups Administrator
    Autodesk, Inc.

    Bryan Duffel wrote:
    Anne Brown, Feb 9, 2005
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