Booking System Help

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by pali_72000, Jun 20, 2006.

  1. pali_72000

    pali_72000 Guest

    Hi, I am currently creating a cinema system using access where a
    booking can be made for a event. Each event when it is shown is
    categoriesd as a performance. A booking must be made for each
    performamce. I have a constructed a query between the booking, event
    and peformance tables and created a subform on the booking form. The
    event table is linked to preformance which in turn is linked to
    Booking. I keep getting the I"ndex or primary key cannot contain a Null
    value. (Error 3058)" message, I have looked everywhere and every
    primary key is filled. Can anyone help please?
    pali_72000, Jun 20, 2006
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