BOM unique index problem

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by Bernard, Oct 6, 2003.

  1. Bernard

    Bernard Guest


    I'm working with BOM data coming from PRO-E, in order to prepare the
    manufacturing files and records.
    We don't have any ERP nor PDM package.
    One of our problems is the number within the balloon 'index', it seems
    impossible to have a unique index, according to our CAD specialist.

    In the case of an assembly :
    +) You remove an item Nr 10, your new BOM will be 1,..,9,11,..,15
    +) You add a new item PRO/E will use again the removed number :10
    With this feature we have a lot of problem with our configuration
    management, because we don't have a unique identification number of an
    So item 10 shown a item in the first version, and shown a different
    item in the following issues.

    So I have some questions:

    1) In the case of an assembly it's possible to have 'index' unique ?
    and how ?
    In my example
    First BOM 1,..,9,10,11,..,15
    Second BOM 1,..,9,11,..,15 Item 10 Removed
    Third BOM 1,..,9,11,..,15,16 a new item added to the assy.

    2) On a drawing it's possible to show (automatically) balloon with our
    own value (manually, or imported from a Data Base) ? and How ?

    I'm not a CAD specialist. From my www search it seems possible to have
    a system like my first question, but our CAD department says no.
    It seems that there is a small problem, within Pro/E of within our CAD
    department, but I don't have the knowledge to find a correct answer.

    Thanks for your answer.

    Bernard Geerinck

    remove _no_spam_
    Bernard, Oct 6, 2003
  2. Bernard

    David Janes Guest

    : 1) In the case of an assembly it's possible to have 'index' unique ?
    : and how ?
    : In my example
    : First BOM 1,..,9,10,11,..,15
    : Second BOM 1,..,9,11,..,15 Item 10 Removed
    : Third BOM 1,..,9,11,..,15,16 a new item added to the assy.
    Basically, if a component is removed, you want to skip that index number in the
    BOM. That a fair summary? Assuming your BOM was originally set so that the index
    number would be produced by a report paramater called 'rept.index', do the
    following to 'fix' the index record number:

    Select 'Table>Repeat region>Fix Index'. Select the BOM repeat region (prehilights
    cyan when under cursor). Then select 'Fix' and 'Region'. Confirm and Done.

    Now, when the component is suppressed, numbering will skip that index number. PTC
    offers a detailing course which goes into stuff like this. It's worth taking, but
    there's so much to Pro/e drawing mode that even a 300 page manual just skims the

    David Janes
    David Janes, Oct 7, 2003
  3. To fix this, i create a new parameter and call it item. I replace the index
    in a bom with it. if you enter it into a colunm in a bom, proe will
    automatically create a new parameter in the part. if you enter a number it
    will create an integer or a real number. if you enter text in quoataiotn
    ("") marks, it will create a string. It will mean entering text for each
    --> table
    --> enter text
    --> report
    -->user defined
    If you have family tables of parts in your asssembly, you will need to add
    the parameter to your family table. If you have library parts of items such
    as screws, this will be a headache, i suggest you start with a range of
    numbers for these, higher than you would expect to use in your bom.
    To show this in a bom, goto bom ballo0n, parameter and choose the cell with
    item in it.

    --> table
    --> bom balloon
    --> set parameter
    --> show


    craig stevens, Oct 8, 2003
  4. Bernard

    S.T. Guest


    Is the parameter named "rept.index"--or is it rpt.index?

    Just curious.

    S.T., Oct 8, 2003
  5. Bernard

    David Janes Guest

    : : >
    : > number would be produced by a report paramater called 'rept.index', do the
    : > following to 'fix' the index record number:
    : David,
    : Is the parameter named "rept.index"--or is it rpt.index?
    : Just curious.
    : S.T.
    Good question, S.T., but I can't say at the moment as I do not have Pro/e
    available. If you can open a drawing with a BOM, preselect/select the Item #1
    cell in the repeat region, RMB to Properties, the edit screen will tell you what
    the correct name is. The same menu will give you 'Report Parameters' which will
    let you pick (as opposed to spell) the parameter names (the safest way). Pardon me
    for not making this clear to begin with, however I must assume that people have a
    certain degree of familiarity with the basics to avoid talking to experienced
    people as if they were newbies. Of course, we all become newbies, to a certain
    extent, with a new release, so some of that re-covering of basics is unavoidable.

    David Janes, Oct 8, 2003
  6. Bernard

    S.T. Guest

    I've always just picked it from the list and I do believe that it puts a
    'rpt.index' parameter in the repeat region cell. I'll double-check it
    tomorrow though.

    S.T., Oct 8, 2003
  7. Bernard

    David Janes Guest

    : : >
    : > : > : <snip>
    : I've always just picked it from the list and I do believe that it puts a
    : 'rpt.index' parameter in the repeat region cell. I'll double-check it
    : tomorrow though.
    : S.T.

    Also, if you would, verify the advice I gave about a method of establishing, as
    Bernard wished, a 'unique' index number for each record, ones that would not
    reorder when a component was removed.

    David Janes, Oct 8, 2003
  8. Bernard

    Nilesh Desai Guest

    It is possible to achieve all of your scenario.

    First select the whole table and then try using "Fix Index" menu pick from
    "table" menu. This will fix the index of a repeat region. Also, refer the
    old manual for Pro/Report. The process is well explained.

    -Nilesh Desai
    Nilesh Desai, Oct 15, 2003
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