BOM problem

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by dyno, Mar 21, 2007.

  1. dyno

    dyno Guest

    SW 2006 sp5.0
    I was wondering, did anybody have a problem similar to this:

    I create an assembly.
    I give every part custom properties.
    I create a ''classic'' sw BOM, and link to a view to which I have assigned
    balloons with ''item number''.
    I arrange the parts with BOM contents dialog, because my parts are not
    necessarily arranged in assembly how I want them to be.
    I loose whole day, I save that.
    Next morning the whole table is messed up.

    Any solution to this problem?
    dyno, Mar 21, 2007
  2. dyno

    yawdro Guest

    That's the reason we use the excel BOM. I reported it to SW and was
    told that they had to follow assembly order for some lame reason that
    I've forgotten now. I reported it when SW first introduced their BOM
    yawdro, Mar 21, 2007
  3. dyno

    bitweaver Guest

    The BOM table can be sorted in either ascending or descending on any
    column you want. We typically sort on the part number column in
    descending order because that puts the newest part numbers at the
    bottom of the table. To do this "right click" the column you want to
    sort by, then select from the options in the pop-up window. It will
    stay that way after saving.
    bitweaver, Mar 21, 2007
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