BOM output to MRP/ERP system?

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by Cad User, May 24, 2006.

  1. Cad User

    Cad User Guest

    Is anybody automatically transferring bill of material data from Pro/E
    into a company business system?

    At the moment our production office re-key data produced by the design
    engineers. We are looking for a new company-wide erp system and think
    this should be automated.

    So, anybody out there doing this already - and if so which software do
    you use?

    Thanks for any pointers
    Cad User, May 24, 2006
  2. Cad User

    David Janes Guest

    This whole topic is a mine field; this must be a largely unwatched oasis or the
    "advocates" would have been here already. I have only one observation and one
    piece of advice. Observation: almost all will say yes to your query re: the
    possibility of automatically transferring BOM/structure/configuration
    management/purchasing/inventory data between Pro/e and the ERP system;

    Advice: get them to show you HOW, let them put on a demo [a Pro/e\Intralink BOM
    into their system; someone "authorized" pushes a button and it goes]. Make this a
    contractual obligation: set this up, train the users, stick around for 6 mos to
    make sure it works flawlessly, or you don't get paid. And then take their scrawny,
    worthless asses to court when they reneg. That, and ONLY THAT, will get you what
    you need. I wouldn't even DREAM of giving advice on which system. {even Kevlar
    isn't THAT bulletproof}.
    David Janes, May 26, 2006
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