Bom Macro.

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Dames, Jul 21, 2007.

  1. Dames

    Dames Guest

    I am inurgent need of a macro. This macro needs to add a new bom then
    i have some other code to that will print this bom. Then i need the
    macro to delete the bom that was paced in the drawing, but not delete
    any other bom that was already in the drawing. Can anyone help me or
    point me in the right direction. I must say that i don't have a great
    deal of scripting ability.
    Dames, Jul 21, 2007
  2. Start by recording a macro while you do everything manually. This will
    build the skeletton of your macro. It probably won't play back, but
    it's a good start since it will contain many of the required API

    The big question then is : what changes between 2 runs of your macro,
    or between 2 drawings on which it will run ? Do you need to select
    items ? do you need to format bom columns differently ?

    Programming the macro consists mostly in "generalizing" it, making it
    able to handle different cases on different documents. And this is
    generally the hard part.

    Maybe you could post your recorded macro and answer the question
    above : what changes between your "temporary boms" on different
    drawings. Then we might give you some more help here.
    Philippe Guglielmetti, Jul 22, 2007
  3. Dames

    Dames Guest

    Q1. I am export an advanced BOM in an XML format. The drawings typicly
    have a BOM that only has about 6 feilds, but my advanced BOM will have
    about 15-20. I need this BOM only as an export not to be on the

    I tried to record, but there dosn't reaaly seem to be anything of use
    in the code. See below.

    ' C:\DOCUME~1\DGILLE~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\swx1256\Macro1.swb - macro
    recorded on 07/23/07 by dgillespie
    Dim swApp As Object
    Dim Part As Object
    Dim SelMgr As Object
    Dim boolstatus As Boolean
    Dim longstatus As Long, longwarnings As Long
    Dim Feature As Object
    Sub main()

    Set swApp = Application.SldWorks

    Set Part = swApp.ActiveDoc
    Set SelMgr = Part.SelectionManager
    boolstatus = Part.Extension.SelectByID2("DetailItem147@Sheet2",
    "ANNOTATIONTABLES", -0.07991769230769, 0.08582843076923, 0, False, 0,
    Nothing, 0)
    End Sub

    Anyway here is my code.


    ' Preconditions:

    ' (1) Drawing document is open.

    ' (2) Drawing contains at least one BOM.

    ' (3) In VBA, add a reference to Microsoft Scripting Runtime

    ' Tools, References (C:\windows\system32\scrrun.dll)


    ' Postconditions: XML file is saved to the same directory,

    ' overwriting any existing file of the same name.


    ' NOTES:

    ' (1) XML tags are based on BOM column headings.

    ' (2) Invalid characters must be removed from the

    ' column headings.

    ' (3) Microsoft Scripting Runtime reference must be selected in

    ' (4) XML schema is:


    ' <BOMS>

    ' <SHEET>

    ' <NAME>Sheet1</NAME>

    ' <BOM>

    ' <NAME>Bill Of Materials1</NAME>

    ' <TABLE>

    ' <ROW>

    ' <ITEM_NO>1</ITEM_NO>

    ' <PART_NUMBER>2004_Part</PART_NUMBER>


    ' <QTY>2</QTY>

    ' </ROW>

    ' <ROW>

    ' <ITEM_NO>2</ITEM_NO>

    ' <PART_NUMBER>2004_Part</PART_NUMBER>


    ' <QTY>1</QTY>

    ' </ROW>

    ' <ROW>

    ' <ITEM_NO>3</ITEM_NO>

    ' <PART_NUMBER>2004_Part</PART_NUMBER>


    ' <QTY>1</QTY>

    ' </ROW>

    ' <ROW>

    ' <ITEM_NO>4</ITEM_NO>



    ' <QTY>1</QTY>

    ' </ROW>

    ' </TABLE>

    ' </BOM>

    ' </SHEET>

    ' <SHEET>

    ' <NAME>Sheet2</NAME>

    ' <BOM>

    ' <NAME>Bill Of Materials2</NAME>

    ' <TABLE>

    ' <ROW>

    ' <ITEM_NO>1</ITEM_NO>



    ' <QTY>1</QTY>

    ' </ROW>

    ' <ROW>

    ' <ITEM_NO></ITEM_NO>

    ' <PART_NUMBER> cylinder</PART_NUMBER>


    ' <QTY>1</QTY>

    ' </ROW>

    ' <ROW>

    ' <ITEM_NO></ITEM_NO>

    ' <PART_NUMBER> cylinder</PART_NUMBER>


    ' <QTY>1</QTY>

    ' </ROW>

    ' <ROW>

    ' <ITEM_NO></ITEM_NO>

    ' <PART_NUMBER> SimpleCube_A</


    ' <QTY>1</QTY>

    ' </ROW>

    ' <ROW>

    ' <ITEM_NO></ITEM_NO>

    ' <PART_NUMBER> JoinedCyl</


    ' <QTY>1</QTY>

    ' </ROW>

    ' </TABLE>

    ' </BOM>

    ' <BOM>

    ' <NAME>Bill Of Materials3</NAME>

    ' <TABLE>

    ' <ROW>

    ' <ITEM_NO>8</ITEM_NO>

    ' <PART_NUMBER>2004_Part</PART_NUMBER>


    ' <QTY>2</QTY>

    ' </ROW>

    ' </TABLE>

    ' <TABLE>

    ' <ROW>

    ' <ITEM_NO>9</ITEM_NO>

    ' <PART_NUMBER>2004_Part</PART_NUMBER>


    ' <QTY>1</QTY>

    ' </ROW>

    ' <ROW>

    ' <ITEM_NO>10</ITEM_NO>

    ' <PART_NUMBER>2004_Part</PART_NUMBER>


    ' <QTY>1</QTY>

    ' </ROW>

    ' </TABLE>

    ' <TABLE>

    ' <ROW>

    ' <ITEM_NO>11</ITEM_NO>



    ' <QTY>1</QTY>

    ' </ROW>

    ' </TABLE>

    ' </BOM>

    ' <BOM>

    ' <NAME>Bill Of Materials4</NAME>

    ' <TABLE>

    ' <TITLE>BOM Table 2</TITLE>

    ' <ROW>

    ' <ITEM_NO>1</ITEM_NO>

    ' <PART_NUMBER>cylinder</PART_NUMBER>


    ' <QTY>1</QTY>

    ' </ROW>

    ' <ROW>

    ' <ITEM_NO>2</ITEM_NO>

    ' <PART_NUMBER>cylinder</PART_NUMBER>


    ' <QTY>1</QTY>

    ' </ROW>

    ' </TABLE>

    ' <TABLE>

    ' <TITLE>BOM Table 2</TITLE>

    ' <ROW>

    ' <ITEM_NO>3</ITEM_NO>

    ' <PART_NUMBER>SimpleCube_A</


    ' <QTY>1</QTY>

    ' </ROW>

    ' <ROW>

    ' <ITEM_NO>4</ITEM_NO>



    ' <QTY>1</QTY>

    ' </ROW>

    ' </TABLE>

    ' </BOM>

    ' </SHEET>

    ' </BOMS>




    Option Explicit

    Public Enum swTableSplitDirection_e

    swTableSplit_None = 0

    swTableSplit_Horizontal = 1

    swTableSplit_Vertical = 2

    End Enum

    Sub ProcessTableAnn(swApp As SldWorks.SldWorks, swModel As
    SldWorks.ModelDoc2, swTableAnn As SldWorks.TableAnnotation, XMLfile As

    Dim nNumRow As Long

    Dim nNumCol As Long

    Dim nNumHeader As Long

    Dim sHeaderText() As String

    Dim i As Long

    Dim j As Long

    Dim k As Long

    Dim nIndex As Long

    Dim nCount As Long

    Dim nStart As Long

    Dim nEnd As Long

    Dim nSplitDir As Long

    nNumHeader = swTableAnn.GetHeaderCount: Debug.Assert nNumHeader >=

    nSplitDir = swTableAnn.GetSplitInformation(nIndex, nCount, nStart,

    If swTableSplit_None = nSplitDir Then

    Debug.Assert 0 = nIndex

    Debug.Assert 0 = nCount

    Debug.Assert 0 = nStart

    Debug.Assert 0 = nEnd

    nNumRow = swTableAnn.RowCount

    nNumCol = swTableAnn.ColumnCount

    nStart = nNumHeader

    nEnd = nNumRow - 1


    Debug.Assert swTableSplit_Horizontal = nSplitDir

    Debug.Assert nIndex >= 0

    Debug.Assert nCount >= 0

    Debug.Assert nStart >= 0

    Debug.Assert nEnd >= nStart

    nNumCol = swTableAnn.ColumnCount

    If 1 = nIndex Then

    ' Add header offset for first portion of table

    nStart = nStart + nNumHeader

    End If

    End If

    XMLfile.WriteLine " <TABLE>"

    If swTableAnn.TitleVisible Then

    XMLfile.WriteLine " <TITLE>" & swTableAnn.Title
    & "</TITLE>"

    End If

    ReDim sHeaderText(nNumCol - 1)

    For j = 0 To nNumCol - 1

    sHeaderText(j) = swTableAnn.GetColumnTitle(j)

    ' Replace invalid characters for XML tags

    sHeaderText(j) = Replace(sHeaderText(j), ".", "")

    sHeaderText(j) = Replace(sHeaderText(j), " ", "_")
    sHeaderText(j) = Replace(sHeaderText(j), "(", "_")
    sHeaderText(j) = Replace(sHeaderText(j), ")", "_")

    Next j

    For j = nStart To nEnd

    XMLfile.WriteLine " <ROW>"

    For k = 0 To nNumCol - 1
    XMLfile.WriteLine " " + "<" +
    sHeaderText(k) + ">" + swTableAnn.Text(j, k) + "</" + sHeaderText(k) +

    Next k

    XMLfile.WriteLine " </ROW>"

    Next j

    XMLfile.WriteLine " </TABLE>"

    End Sub

    Sub ProcessBomFeature(swApp As SldWorks.SldWorks, swModel As
    SldWorks.ModelDoc2, swBomFeat As SldWorks.BomFeature, XMLfile As

    Dim swFeat As SldWorks.Feature

    Dim vTableArr As Variant

    Dim vTable As Variant

    Dim swTable As SldWorks.TableAnnotation

    Set swFeat = swBomFeat.GetFeature

    XMLfile.WriteLine " <BOM>"

    XMLfile.WriteLine " <NAME>" & swFeat.Name & "</NAME>"

    vTableArr = swBomFeat.GetTableAnnotations

    For Each vTable In vTableArr

    Set swTable = vTable

    ProcessTableAnn swApp, swModel, swTable, XMLfile

    Next vTable

    XMLfile.WriteLine " </BOM>"

    End Sub

    Sub main()

    Dim MyAppID As Long

    Dim swApp As SldWorks.SldWorks

    Dim swModel As SldWorks.ModelDoc2

    Dim swDraw As SldWorks.DrawingDoc

    Dim swSheet As SldWorks.Sheet

    Dim swFeat As SldWorks.Feature

    Dim swBomFeat As SldWorks.BomFeature

    Dim sPathName As String

    Dim nNumSheet As Long

    Dim nRetval As Long

    Dim i As Long

    Dim bIsFirstSheet As Boolean

    Dim bRet As Boolean

    Dim fso As Scripting.FileSystemObject

    Dim XMLfile As Scripting.TextStream

    'Dim swApp As Object
    Dim Part As Object

    Set swApp = Application.SldWorks

    Set swModel = swApp.ActiveDoc

    Set swDraw = swModel

    bIsFirstSheet = True

    ' Strip off SolidWorks file extension (sldxxx)

    ' and add XML extension (xml)

    sPathName = swModel.GetPathName

    sPathName = Left(sPathName, Len(sPathName) - 6)

    sPathName = sPathName + "xml"

    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    Set XMLfile = fso.CreateTextFile(sPathName, True)
    XMLfile.WriteLine "<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""ISO8859-1"" ?
    XMLfile.WriteLine "<?xml-stylesheet type=""text/xsl"" href=""I:

    XMLfile.WriteLine "<BOMS>"

    Set swFeat = swModel.FirstFeature

    Do While Not swFeat Is Nothing

    If "DrSheet" = swFeat.GetTypeName Then

    XMLfile.WriteLine " <SHEET>"

    XMLfile.WriteLine " <NAME>" + swFeat.Name + "</

    bIsFirstSheet = False

    End If

    If "BomFeat" = swFeat.GetTypeName Then

    Set swBomFeat = swFeat.GetSpecificFeature2

    ProcessBomFeature swApp, swModel, swBomFeat, XMLfile

    End If

    Set swFeat = swFeat.GetNextFeature

    If Not swFeat Is Nothing Then

    If "DrSheet" = swFeat.GetTypeName And Not bIsFirstSheet

    XMLfile.WriteLine " </SHEET>"

    End If

    End If


    XMLfile.WriteLine " </SHEET>"

    XMLfile.WriteLine "</BOMS>"

    'MyAppID = Shell("I:\PROPERTIES\Catten Output\SW_Output_Catten.exe",

    'AppActivate MyAppID

    End Sub


    Dames, Jul 22, 2007
  4. Oh your project is much more advanced than I expected from your first
    Well you're on the right track, you know how to program, XML and such
    things, so what do you still need ?
    Oh ! How to delete the temporary table you just created ?

    'since you have
    Dim swBomFeat As SldWorks.BomFeature
    swBomFeat.GetFeature.Select2(false,0) ' to select it in the feature
    swDraw.EditCut ' the quick and dirty way OR
    swDraw.Extension.DeleteSelection2(0)' the clean way, with options to
    delete feature children.

    I wrote a macro similar to yours some time ago... 2 comments:
    1) If you export to XML, you don't really need to create a table, you
    could build a bom "internally" by traversing the assembly, which gives
    you even more flexibility than the SW BOM.
    2) check the MSXML4 module to read/write XML files. You'll find plenty
    of tutorials on the net. It's much more efficient than handling XML as
    text files, as XML is more tricky than you expect. For example, your
    macro might have trouble with my french éà accents or even worse,
    quotes in part names and such things. Normally you have to parse all
    strings you store in XML to convert them in a clean format with &quot;
    for quotes ... MSXML takes all this pain out.

    Philippe Guglielmetti, Jul 23, 2007
  5. Dames

    Dames Guest

    Thanks for the vote of cofidence But i have nor really done this
    program. I think i got most of this from some examples. So some help
    would be great
    Dames, Jul 23, 2007
  6. Dames

    Blair Sutton Guest

    Hello Damian,

    Is the main goal to get a BOM out of SW?
    If so, I would look at this AssemblyBOM macro on Lenny's site

    With any SW asm open, Run Macro.
    A window pops up, you select BOM columns (revision,
    configurations)...and then choose format to export.

    Macro: AssemblyBOM


    BTW, Lenny just did a real useful presentation on Macro's at our local
    Kansas City SWUG meeting. Thanks Lenny.
    Blair Sutton, Jul 25, 2007
  7. Dames

    Dames Guest

    Thanks Bliar.
    I have been using Lenny's macro for a while now. But i need all this
    exporting to happen in the background from a drawing when i use
    another macro to print our drawings. At present i use a macro that
    prints out our drawing a pdf, a tiff and a DXF of our parts (with a
    rev attached to the file name.) I may make a video of what i am
    looking for and upload to a site so people can get an idea of what we
    do and of what we want.
    Dames, Jul 26, 2007
  8. Dames

    Dames Guest

    Here is a video of what i am trying to do. Keep in mind that i already
    have a bom in the drawing. And that i want to add a new Bom, write out
    the the file then delete the bom that i have just put in and keep the
    exsisting bom.
    Cheers Damian
    Dames, Jul 26, 2007
  9. Dames

    Bill Briggs Guest

    From a SolidWorks standpoint, this is not difficult. You will need to
    loop through each sheet on the drawing then if the assumption can be
    made that all views are the same then you can grab the first view and
    use the insert bill of material function where you can specify a BOM
    template containing the properties you desire. (If the assumption
    cannot be made than you will have to think about how to recognize the
    correct view, perhaps the view that already has the BOM connected to
    it.) Next, when you insert the BOM you get the pointer to the BOM
    Object and from there you can get access to the rows and columns where
    you can then walk through the rows and columns generating you xml

    You need to explain to me how much help you need. Do you have only
    the solidworks macro editor or do you have Do you know how to
    create an xml file using VB? Do you need sample code to loop through
    the drawing sheets?

    Also, you say this is urgent. Am I too late to help? Is this a short
    term thing or do you need this program for use down the road also?
    Just trying to find out how much time we should spend on this.
    Bill Briggs, Jul 26, 2007
  10. Dames

    Dames Guest

    Firstly its not to late, so help would be great.
    1.The assumptions that you are talking about in the first paragraph
    are valid. My dealt view is in most cases is the one which has the BOM
    is attached. If this is not the case then I/we would rectify these as
    2. How much help do I need? Well, I have a limited understanding of
    code and with time (not much of that these days) I can usually fudge
    my way through, but I would like if someone could step me through.
    This has been the only way I have learnt in the past.
    3. I only have the macro editor but I can download the if this
    would be the better way to go. I would much prefer to start learning as I could then use these skills in other areas within my job.

    Thank Bill for your time and I hope to here back from you soon.
    Dames, Jul 26, 2007
  11. Dames

    Bill Briggs Guest

    Well, I have been working on this for you this morning because I
    pretty much just "office space" it these days. I am almost done with
    it but I have to question your schema. First of all, I am not an
    expert on what a good schema is, I simply know how to create the xml
    file. So that said, are you sure this is the schema you want or are
    you open to some changes? If so, I will post back with some

    Another thing I need to know is when I insert the temporary BOM, what
    type do you want? Top Level Only, Parts Only, or Indented?

    I will send you the complete program in and I will post the
    code here as well. It could be done with the macro editor but you
    would need to rewrite the xml creation stuff because mine uses
    libraries. Technically, you could write the xml file as a text
    document with a .xml extension. I do it with the libraries because it
    adds the formating for me automatically.

    Bill Briggs, Jul 27, 2007
  12. Dames

    Bill Briggs Guest

    This is a good start for you I think, I am using the "Custom Property
    View" as the view for the BOM. All you should have to change is the
    path to the BOM Template. This is set to work if a drawing is already
    open in SolidWorks. CreateBom is the main routine to start with.
    This code will run in with references to, system.xml,
    SolidWorks Type Library, and SolidWorks Constant Library. I made a
    slight adjustment for now in your schema. After we discuss my
    previous post, I will make any adjustments you want and I will send
    you the compiled program so you can run it and I will send the entire
    solution so that if you get 2005 you can edit it and make it
    your own. The only thing I ask is that anyone who reads and this and
    likes what they see, remember me when you hear about job openings and/
    or someone needing a custom application written.


    Module modBom

    Dim swApp As SldWorks.SldWorks
    Dim swModelDoc As SldWorks.ModelDoc2
    Dim swDrawDoc As SldWorks.DrawingDoc
    Const strBomTemplate As String = "D:\Program Files\Common Files
    \Solidworks Data 2007\SWBOM.sldbomtbt"

    Dim MyXmlDoc As New XmlDocument
    Dim MyRoot As XmlNode

    Sub CreateBom()


    ' Get Active Model
    swModelDoc = GetActiveModelDoc()
    ' Verify Found
    If Not swModelDoc Is Nothing Then
    ' Verify is Drawing
    If swModelDoc.GetType = SwConst.swDocumentTypes_e.swDocDRAWING
    ' Get Drawing Doc
    swDrawDoc = swModelDoc

    ' Build Bom File Name
    Dim strFileName As String =
    Path.GetDirectoryName(swModelDoc.GetPathName) & "\" &
    Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(swModelDoc.GetPathName) & ".xml"
    ' Verify File does not exist and delete if file does exist
    If DeleteExistingFile(strFileName) = False Then
    MsgBox("Cannot overwrite existing file: " & strFileName,
    MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "Failed")
    Exit Sub
    End If

    ' Create Xml Writer
    Dim writer As New XmlTextWriter(strFileName, Nothing)
    'Use indenting for readability.
    writer.Formatting = Formatting.Indented
    ' Write Start of Document"
    ' Create Root node
    MyRoot = MyXmlDoc.CreateElement("Boms")

    ' Read Drawing Bom

    ' Write Root node
    ' Write End Document
    ' Flush Writer
    ' Close Writer

    End If
    End If

    Catch ex As Exception

    End Try

    End Sub

    #Region " SolidWorks Document Tools "

    Function GetSolidWorks() As Boolean


    Dim MyReturn As Boolean = False

    If swApp Is Nothing Then
    swApp = GetObject("", "SldWorks.Application")
    End If

    If Not swApp Is Nothing Then
    MyReturn = True
    End If

    Return MyReturn
    Catch ex As Exception
    Return False
    End Try

    End Function

    Function GetActiveModelDoc() As SldWorks.ModelDoc2


    ' Get SolidWorks Object

    ' Get Active ModelDoc Object
    Dim SwModel As SldWorks.ModelDoc2 = swApp.ActiveDoc

    Return SwModel
    Catch ex As Exception
    Return Nothing
    End Try

    End Function

    #End Region

    #Region " Bom "

    Private Sub ReadBom()


    ' Get List Of Sheet Names
    Dim strSheets() As String = swDrawDoc.GetSheetNames()
    ' Process All Sheets
    For i As Integer = 0 To swDrawDoc.GetSheetCount - 1

    Dim MySheetNode As XmlNode
    MySheetNode = MyXmlDoc.CreateElement("Sheet")

    Dim MyNode As XmlNode
    MyNode = MyXmlDoc.CreateElement("Name")
    MyNode.InnerText = strSheets(i)
    Dim MyBomNode As XmlNode = MyXmlDoc.CreateElement("BOM")

    ' Activate Sheet By Name
    ' Get BOM Drawing View
    Dim MyDrawView As SldWorks.View = swDrawDoc.GetFirstView
    ' Get Current Sheet
    Dim swSheet As SldWorks.Sheet = swDrawDoc.GetCurrentSheet
    ' Get Custom Property View
    Dim strView As String = swSheet.CustomPropertyView
    ' If the custom property view is the Default, Get the First View
    If strView = "Default" Then
    MyDrawView = swDrawDoc.GetFirstView
    MyDrawView = MyDrawView.GetNextView
    ' Find Matching View by Name
    MyDrawView = swDrawDoc.GetFirstView
    ' Loop Through Views
    While Not MyDrawView Is Nothing
    If MyDrawView.Name = strView Then
    Exit While
    End If
    ' Next View
    MyDrawView = MyDrawView.GetNextView
    End While
    End If

    ' Create Custom Xml Bom
    CreateXmlBom(MyDrawView, MyBomNode)

    ' Append To Sheet
    ' Append to Root


    Catch ex As Exception

    End Try

    End Sub

    Sub CreateXmlBom(ByVal MyDrawView As SldWorks.View, ByRef MyBomNode
    As XmlNode)


    ' Insert and Get Bom Table Annotation
    Dim swBomTable As SldWorks.TableAnnotation = InsertBom(MyDrawView)
    ' Verify
    If Not swBomTable Is Nothing Then
    ' Process Bom
    ProcessBom(swBomTable, MyBomNode)
    ' Remove Bom
    Dim swAnnotation As SldWorks.Annotation = swBomTable.GetAnnotation
    swAnnotation.Select3(False, Nothing)
    End If

    Catch ex As Exception

    End Try

    End Sub

    Sub ProcessBom(ByVal swBomTable As SldWorks.TableAnnotation, ByRef
    MyBomNode As XmlNode)


    ' Ensure Header is at Top

    ' Process each Row
    For r As Integer = 1 To swBomTable.RowCount - 1
    ' Create Row Node
    Dim MyRowNode As XmlNode = MyXmlDoc.CreateElement("ROW")
    ' Process each Column
    For c As Integer = 0 To swBomTable.ColumnCount - 1
    ' Get Cell Value
    Dim strValue As String = swBomTable.DisplayedText(r, c)
    ' Get Header (Replace Spaces with "_", also the title cannot
    contain characters that are not allowed in xml node names)
    Dim strHeader As String = swBomTable.GetColumnTitle(c).Replace("
    ", "_")
    ' Create Item Node
    Dim MyItemNode As XmlNode = MyXmlDoc.CreateElement(strHeader)
    ' Add Value
    MyItemNode.InnerText = strValue
    ' Append To Row
    ' Append to Bom
    Catch ex As Exception

    End Try

    End Sub

    Function InsertBom(ByVal MyDrawView As SldWorks.View) As


    Dim MyReturn As SldWorks.TableAnnotation = Nothing

    ' Insert Bom
    Dim swBom As SldWorks.BomTableAnnotation =
    MyDrawView.InsertBomTable2(True, 0, 0,
    MyDrawView.ReferencedConfiguration, strBomTemplate)

    ' Verify Bom
    If Not swBom Is Nothing Then
    ' Get Bom Feature
    Dim swBomFeature As SldWorks.BomFeature = swBom.BomFeature
    ' Verify
    If Not swBomFeature Is Nothing Then
    Dim MyVisibleConfigs As Object = Nothing
    Dim strConfigNames() As String =
    swBomFeature.GetConfigurations(False, MyVisibleConfigs)
    For i As Integer = 0 To strConfigNames.Length - 1
    If strConfigNames(i) = MyDrawView.ReferencedConfiguration Then
    MyVisibleConfigs(i) = True
    swBomFeature.SetConfigurations(True, MyVisibleConfigs,
    Exit For
    End If
    ' Get Bom Table
    For Each swBomTable As SldWorks.TableAnnotation In
    MyReturn = swBomTable
    Exit For
    End If
    End If

    Return MyReturn
    Catch ex As Exception
    Return Nothing
    End Try

    End Function

    Function DeleteExistingFile(ByVal strFileName As String) As Boolean

    Dim MyReturn As Boolean = False

    ' Check if File Exists
    If File.Exists(strFileName) = True Then
    ' Delete File
    End If

    MyReturn = Not File.Exists(strFileName)

    Return MyReturn
    Catch ex As Exception
    Return False
    End Try

    End Function

    #End Region

    End Module
    Bill Briggs, Jul 27, 2007
  13. Where are you located?


    Wayne Tiffany, Jul 27, 2007
  14. Dames

    Bill Briggs Guest

    I am in Vassar, Michigan and you can see more info if you click on
    "view profile" by my name. Thanks for asking.
    Bill Briggs, Jul 28, 2007
  15. Dames

    Dames Guest

    Thanks Bill. You have done a lot more than i thought anyone would do.
    Yes bill i am open to any ideas to make it better. Also idented
    assembly bom would be the best. It is Saturday arvo here so i will get
    back to this Monday morning my time.

    Cheers Bill.
    Dames, Jul 28, 2007
  16. Dames

    Dames Guest

    PS Bill .
    Do you know of the ERP system M1. As my main goal is to link
    Solidworks Bom to a build in M1.
    Dames, Jul 28, 2007
  17. Dames

    Bill Briggs Guest

    No, sorry I do not know that system. You need to find out what import
    capabilities the erp system has and then we can build the export file
    or files accordingly. I would expect that the erp system would want
    individual files showing the top level only for each of the sub
    Bill Briggs, Jul 30, 2007
  18. Dames

    Dames Guest

    Hi Bill.
    I have to admit, i am not in a hurry to link it with the ERP system as
    I downloaded VB 2005 Express. Is this the same as VB.NET.
    Dames, Jul 30, 2007
  19. Dames

    Chris Dubea Guest

    As far as I know, VB 2005 Express is the latest free version of
    Chris Dubea, Aug 2, 2007
  20. Dames

    Dames Guest

    Thanks for that . Now i will download at work and try and build the
    code with Bills code.
    Cheers Damian
    Dames, Aug 3, 2007
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