bom linked to another view

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by greif, Jan 15, 2007.

  1. greif

    greif Guest

    I have a bom in an a print. I want to put a few ballons in a few that
    the bom is not linked to. The view is a different config, just show
    less parts for confusion factor.

    can I add some ballons to this view but have them referring to the bom
    so the item # is correct?

    greif, Jan 15, 2007
  2. Yes, if you are using the SW BOM, not the Excel one. Go to the properties
    of the view, and check the box for "Link to BOM" or something like that.

    Wayne Tiffany, Jan 15, 2007
  3. greif

    greif Guest

    yes, I am using sw- bom & tried that but it did not work.
    greif, Jan 15, 2007
  4. greif

    Dale Dunn Guest

    I believe "link to BOM" requires the same config of the same assembly. If
    you can, use display states instead of a config to simplify the view.
    Dale Dunn, Jan 15, 2007
  5. It should work - what are you getting? Are you getting "*" in your

    Wayne Tiffany, Jan 15, 2007
  6. No it doesn't - that's the purpose of the box - to make the balloons of a
    view of one config follow the balloons of the view of another config. It
    will not, however, follow if the views are of different model files - they
    have to be the same file.

    Wayne Tiffany, Jan 15, 2007
  7. greif

    Dale Dunn Guest

    Ok. I didn't think it would work bacause different configs could number
    items differently. What does it do when the component doesn't appear in the
    BOM? Is that when you get the "*"?
    Dale Dunn, Jan 15, 2007
  8. Yes.

    If you have a view of config A with the BOM tied to it, then the balloons
    are controlled by that config. If you also have a view of config B that has
    a part in it that config A doesn't have, and you tell it to match the
    balloons on the config A BOM, then it can't possibly attach an item number
    to that part since that part doesn't exist in the config that's controlling
    the BOM. So the SW response is the asterisk. You can also get the asterisk
    by ballooning a part that is in the master config but a different config of
    that part.

    One of the easiest solutions may be to tie the BOM to the other config that
    has all the parts and let it control the numbers.

    Wayne Tiffany, Jan 15, 2007
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