BOM item renaming

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by twuelfing, Mar 17, 2005.

  1. twuelfing

    twuelfing Guest

    When i rename a BOM item manually, then change the name of the definition by right clicking on the part in the desktop browser and doing rename definition. This fails to update the name of the part in the BOM.

    I have tried deleting the BOM and recreating it, but the reference to the original (manually renamed) name still exists.

    I need to find a way to recreate the BOM using the current references regardless of if I have manually renamed them in the past.

    no one seems to know how to do this manually in autocad, and ultimatly we will be trying to accomplish this task with VBA, if anyone has any suggestions or needs more information please post.

    troy wuelfing
    twuelfing, Mar 17, 2005
  2. twuelfing

    Kevin Terry Guest

    do you make sure you check the option of "All Instances" when in the
    renaming dialog? I've never had a problem with this not working...


    by right clicking on the part in the desktop browser and doing rename
    definition. This fails to update the name of the part in the BOM.
    original (manually renamed) name still exists.
    regardless of if I have manually renamed them in the past.
    will be trying to accomplish this task with VBA, if anyone has any
    suggestions or needs more information please post.
    Kevin Terry, Mar 25, 2005
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