BOM & Balloons not matching?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by NOT REALLY ME, Jan 3, 2007.

  1. What would caused the itme numbers in the balloons to not match the items in
    the BOM when detailing an assembly?

    NOT REALLY ME, Jan 3, 2007
  2. The first thing that comes to mind is that the BOM & the view are not
    referencing the same configuration.

    Wayne Tiffany, Jan 3, 2007

    Wim Guest

    Make sure that "Keep linked to BOM" is selected in the Drawing view
    Wim, Jan 3, 2007

    j Guest

    If its before 2007 and you are using the excel based BOM there would be
    views that are different configurations. We had this problem and had to
    place a BOM for each of the different configurations we had drawing
    views for. We hid those BOMs that weren't needed but the balloons would
    then match up. If you're using the SW BOM then you have to make sure
    that every view is linked to the correct BOM or make sure that the BOM
    is referencing the correct configuration.
    j, Jan 3, 2007
  5. Thanks for the answers. The "keep BOM linked" was the culprit. I had never
    noticed that before, I just assumed that when you pick a view for the BOM
    it is then linked forever.. Learn something new everyday..I do have another
    question, see a new post from me.

    Thanks again to all,
    Not Necessarily Me, Jan 3, 2007
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