BOM and special numbering

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by Pier Dil, Nov 11, 2008.

  1. Pier Dil

    Pier Dil Guest

    Hi people
    I'd like to change the "standard" numbering of Repeat region table.
    Let's suppose to have an assembly with parts and sub-assemblies (in this
    case the subas1 has part3 and part4).
    I wish to get two different solutions for table like following :

    A- only first level BOM with numbers and parts inside the subassemblies
    without numbers
    1 part1
    2 part2
    3 subas1
    - ..part3
    - ..part4
    4 part5

    B- first level BOM with numbering by 10 and parts inside the
    subassemblies with numbers by 1
    10 part1
    20 part2
    30 subas1
    31 ..part3
    32 ..part4
    40 part5

    Thanks in advance for any idea .
    Pier Dil, Nov 11, 2008
  2. Pier Dil

    Janes Guest

    Hi people
    I'd like to change the "standard" numbering of Repeat region table.
    Let's suppose to have an assembly with parts and sub-assemblies (in this
    case the subas1 has part3 and part4).
    I wish to get two different solutions for table like following :

    A- only first level BOM with numbers and parts inside the subassemblies
    without numbers
    1 part1
    2 part2
    3 subas1
    - ..part3
    - ..part4
    4 part5

    B- first level BOM with numbering by 10 and parts inside the
    subassemblies with numbers by 1
    10 part1
    20 part2
    30 subas1
    31 ..part3
    32 ..part4
    40 part5

    Thanks in advance for any idea .

    The first one is fairly easy. Set the properties to be recursive down one level. The dash items you have to go into 'Table>Repeat Region' and pick Dash Item from the Menu Manager. It puts a dash in front of the item and skips numbering.

    The second is a good bit more problematic and nothing "automatic" in the setup of the repeat region, as you've requested. I've tricked out a lot of stuff with Relations in the repeat region but I've never heard of rpt.index being able to count by tens then switch to incrementing by integers in a subassembly. You can add a column outside of the repeat region and number manually. I was thinking that in relations you could use some if condition on component type to evaluate whether to append a zero to the the end of rpt.index but this falls down on two counts: you can't perform mathematical operations on the result of rpt.index, it's a string value, inspite of looking like a number; and switching from incrmenting by 10s to incrementing by 1s and then back to 10s; plus you'd need some way to count and keep track of where you are. Pro/e's relations are not meant for this complex of a programming task. And there's no hook from these table relations into an external programming language.

    David Janes
    Janes, Nov 12, 2008
  3. Pier Dil

    Pier Dil Guest

    Janes ha scritto:

    Thank for your reply
    1 - I used "Dash item" to remove the number but, you know, it's a manual
    operation, not auomatic !
    2 - I'l try to do something ... thanks

    Pier Dil, Nov 12, 2008
  4. Pier Dil

    Pier Dil Guest

    Janes ha scritto:

    David the problem n.1
    1 part1
    2 part2
    3 subas1
    - ..part3
    - ..part4
    4 part5
    could be simply solved with NESTED Repeat region without "Dash" !
    Pier Dil, Nov 12, 2008
  5. Pier Dil

    Janes Guest

    Thank for your reply
    1 - I used "Dash item" to remove the number but, you know, it's a manual
    operation, not auomatic !
    2 - I'l try to do something ... thanks


    Good luck! If you get anything even slightly sophisticated to work, I'd sure like to know, even if it involved using Jlink.

    David Janes
    Janes, Nov 13, 2008
  6. Pier Dil

    Janes Guest

    David the problem n.1
    1 part1
    2 part2
    3 subas1
    - ..part3
    - ..part4
    4 part5
    could be simply solved with NESTED Repeat region without "Dash" !

    Ahh.. never tried that.

    David Janes
    Janes, Nov 13, 2008
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