BOM and Part Numbers Automation

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by Kami, Nov 27, 2008.

  1. Kami

    Kami Guest


    I am working on automation of parts and assemblies for configurable
    air conditioning equipments.

    With every variation of a configuration, part no's changes and I am
    required to create BOM in pro engineer every time with new part no,s.
    Now the configurations results in thousands of part nos, for just 20
    basic components (whose dimension and assembly changes with each
    configuration defined). I am fell to Pro engineer Family Tables, but
    this is not very efficient and productive way for automation of such
    large configuration.

    Is there any way i Pro engineer to generate part nos, based upon
    inputs. Please note that most of the aprt nos, are just series without
    any nomenclature to define them for automation


    Kami, Nov 27, 2008
  2. Kami

    Janes Guest


    I am working on automation of parts and assemblies for configurable
    air conditioning equipments.

    With every variation of a configuration, part no's changes and I am
    required to create BOM in pro engineer every time with new part no,s.
    Now the configurations results in thousands of part nos, for just 20
    basic components (whose dimension and assembly changes with each
    configuration defined). I am fell to Pro engineer Family Tables, but
    this is not very efficient and productive way for automation of such
    large configuration.

    Is there any way i Pro engineer to generate part nos, based upon
    inputs. Please note that most of the aprt nos, are just series without
    any nomenclature to define them for automation



    If you had a spreadsheet with all the part numbers and other data you would need to have to define a part, you could generate instances in a family table from your spreadsheet. All you'd need to set up initially is a master part which can capture all the variations. Then you'd do 'File>Import table'. As long as your spreadsheet and family table were set up with the same columns of information, this could be a very efficient way to generate a lot of parts.

    Outside of Pro/e, ProBATCH might be able to handle the batch creation of parts. However, the difficulty will be getting it to deal with the spreadsheet data and assigning existing names to newly created parts. You might be talking about some programming here such as a JAVA app that could be run with 'Tools>Program>J-link' to run a session where a bunch of parts are created. And Windchill PDMLink offers some programming capabilities to automate system tasks. I'm not sure if duplicating Pro/e files with new names is one of them, though. And it would require some mastery of JAVA programming.

    Within Pro/e, mapkeys can automate the keystrokes needed to create a new file, but, again the difficulty is syncing this activity with data from a spreadsheet.

    David Janes
    Janes, Nov 27, 2008
  3. Kami

    Kami Guest

    Hi David

    Thanks for the reply.

    Well As far as the spread sheet and family instances is concerned, I
    also agree that Family Tables is the quick and efficient way to
    tactile this.
    In Automation. but if i want to retrieve/use this part no's data by
    storing this information into some data base, and interfacing this
    with pro engineer "pro program or parameters', which language will u
    advise to start with, I am thinking of Pro Weblink , (HTML and Java
    Script) to be help full, Now Pro Engineer support VB as well in WF4.
    Which one could be more effective, keeping in view the flexibility in
    automation design to incorporate future needs and also I am new to
    programming languages, so learning path should be very easy and fast
    as well.

    Thanks and regards

    Kami, Nov 29, 2008
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