Bolting sequence

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by kygvxx, Aug 1, 2006.

  1. kygvxx

    kygvxx Guest

    With the new CW 2007, do you think we could simulate a complete bolting
    sequence on a flange ?

    We already have done it but with cosmosm! some years ago... with a .bat
    external file, and with macros.

    Put a given load on a bolt, classically with a temperature difference and
    thermal expansion... stop, go to another bolt and so on ... for all the
    The gasket has a non linear behavior, the flange has an elasto-plastic
    behavior, the gaps have to be used...

    Have you tested the new function (RESTART, bolt add-on...)

    kygvxx, Aug 1, 2006
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