Bolt Hole Pattern?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Ratedr, Mar 27, 2008.

  1. Ratedr

    Ratedr Guest

    I am trying to write a few bolt hole pattern programs. Lets say for
    example, I wanted to write a program to drill 40 equally spaced
    holes. Each point would be (in this example) .487 inch from the
    center point. How would I go about writing this program? (right now
    I use a dyna controller on an older machine that all I do is type in
    the # of holes, and the .487 inch, and it figures out the bolt hole
    pattern itself...but my new machine doesnt. Is there a function of
    Solidworks where I can basically type in that 487 (or the radius) and
    the # of repititions and it will create this file for me in NC format
    or txt or whatever? If you have any questions or need me to clarify
    or send photos/drawings of what I mean, please email me at

    Thank you in advance
    Ratedr, Mar 27, 2008
  2. Ratedr

    Tin Man Guest

    You could do this with a spreadsheet program. Post a sample for your G-
    code or whatever and I could put something together for you.

    Tin Man, Mar 28, 2008
  3. Ratedr

    Ratedr Guest

    Im confused as to what you mean here about a spreadsheet program and
    what you want me to post. Let me explain a bit further as what I have
    now, and what I would need:
    I am using a Benchman 4000 with a 4 tool Automatic Tool Changer from
    Intelitek (Light MAchines Corp) that I am controlling from an ISA card
    in my computer (the card is a Baldor NextMove PC Controller) it is
    an 8 axis PC based motion controller.
    The program I am using to send the information is a Benchman 4000
    program (I think thats what its called) and uses NC code programs with
    standard G and M codes.
    Right now the machine that I am running these bolt hole patterns in is
    a DynaMite Mill. It already has something in the control to make the
    bolt hole pattern. Below is the program that I send to the dyna
    machine, and it basically creates that bolt hole pattern. What I
    would need to figure out how to do, is how to write the NC program to
    do the same thing.
    000 START INS 49
    001 FR XY =30.0
    002 FR Z =7.0
    003 GOfY 2.6650
    004 GOfX 2.8970
    005 GOfZ 2.0500
    006 SETUP >zcxyu
    007 SPINDLE ON
    008 BOLT PECK=00
    009 ZH= 0.0000
    010 ZD= 0.1400
    011 XC= 0.0000
    012 YC= 0.0000
    013 a1= 10.000
    014 n= 36
    015 r= 0.4775
    What the above program does is in lines 3,4 and 5 it sets the 0 point
    (in the machine I have I wouldnt really need to do that as it has the
    0 point in there already), in line 10 it sets the z depth, in line 13
    it takes 360/# of holes so what I THINK that is doing, is dividing it
    into the amount of degrees between each hole but Im not sure. In like
    14 its the amount of holes (or the amount of times its repeating line
    13). Line 15 is the radius (1/2 The inside diameter of the circle +
    1/2 the width of the piece Im drilling into). Thats it.
    Thank you in advance
    Ratedr, Mar 28, 2008
  4. Ratedr

    Cliff Guest

    The specs for the Benchman 4000 (Bman4000.pdf) are missing
    (PLEASE tell them !!!) but it seems to claim that it comes with a
    Windows interface of some sort.
    "Intuitive Windows-based control"
    So why the Baldor NextMove PC Controller? Is this the
    NextMove ESB-2? Or is that the "Intuitive Windows-based control"?

    "Compatible with MintNC and HPGL"
    By HPGL they perhaps mean EIA RS-274-D/X (AKA "Gerber")
    (a subset of EIA RS-274-D which is "standard G-code")?
    Do you have MintNC & it's documentation?
    Docs on how to use the "HPGL" or "standard G-code"?
    Cliff, Mar 29, 2008
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