Bogus margins on HP 1050

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Gordon Price, Jul 23, 2003.

  1. Gordon Price

    Gordon Price Guest

    According to the manual, the roll feed margins for the HP 1050 are 10mm
    leading edge, 5mm all others. But the default settings in the driver are for
    10mm leading & trailing, 5mm sides. That .39" leading edge kills me on half
    size plots as a full size plot has a .5" border, so the .39" margin forces a
    manual trim at half size. If I can force a .2" trailing edge I can get half
    size prints down to 2 trims, currently I need three, which rather sucks. Has
    anyone played with forcing the trailing edge to .2" like the sides?
    Also, it seems the 1050 can do nesting, but I can't seem to control it via
    the driver, only at the plotter. It would be nice to have a seperate plotter
    defined for half size, so we could pause the full size and ensure that a
    hole set of half size sheets nested. Am I missing something, or is this
    really only available at the control panel?

    Gordon Price, Jul 23, 2003
  2. Gordon Price

    Gordon Price Guest

    Interesting. I looked there, under 'How to Calculate a Printable Area', and
    it says 17mm for leading & trailing edge, but my Quick Reference for the
    1050C/1055CM specifically says 5mm trailing edge for normal margins on roll
    feed. I guess I'll try forcing a 5mm trailing edge and see what happens. It
    does seem that nesting is a panel only setting, which is unfortunate.

    Gordon Price, Jul 23, 2003
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