bogus? error message from pipo

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Peter Ballard, Aug 12, 2003.

  1. Hi all,

    I have SKILL layout which includes some PCells. When I run "pipo
    strmout" to create my GDSII files, I get the following error message
    to my terminal:

    *Error* eval: undefined function - pcDefinePCell
    *Error* load: error while loading file - ""

    ( is the first of my PCell definition files).

    1. There is no additional error messages in PIPO.LOG
    2. The GDSII output is correct!

    I am almost certain that I am not violating the "PCell safety rules".
    In fact if I create a PCell directly from the examples in the Cadence
    manuals, I still get the error message above - even if I don't use the

    Has anyone seen this "error" message before, and know how to get rid
    of it? (Customers and management don't like error messages, even bogus


    Peter Ballard
    Adelaide, AUSTRALIA
    Peter Ballard, Aug 12, 2003
  2. Peter,

    It suggests that you're defining the pcell in the SKILL code ( which
    is presumably being loaded either via a in a library, or via the
    SKILL file interface on the stream out (user defined data?) form.

    You shouldn't be actually defining the pcell again. When a pcell is defined,
    that pcell definition is compiled into the library, and there is no need to
    redefine it every time you load. However, if there are any user defined
    functions that the pcell uses, these need to be loaded for the pipo

    So it sounds to me as if you need to prevent the code from redefining
    the pcell - it should not be necessary, and as you can see, it doesn't work!

    Andrew Beckett, Aug 12, 2003
  3. Well diagnosed Andrew! I removed the PCells from and the
    error messages went away. Thanks!



    Peter Ballard
    Adelaide, AUSTRALIA
    Peter Ballard, Aug 13, 2003
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