Bodies relations to each other

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Primeau, Dec 21, 2004.

  1. Primeau

    Primeau Guest

    I'm new to the concept of bodies. I'm trying to create what would be a
    welded assembly in a part document by unchecking the command "Merge
    Result". This create different bodies. I would have prefer not
    creating bodies but I need them to get different haching in the layout
    (is it the best way to do it?). I don't want to do real assembly to
    get less files.
    Now, I try to relate the sketchs of diffent bodies to each other with
    relations but it doesn't work. Is it normal? The bodies need to be
    fully independent without geometrical relations to precedent sketches?
    Also, if I uncheck the Merge Result and then change my mind and check
    it back, it is still impossible to put relation between the active
    sketch and the precendent sketches. Solidworks seems to bug.
    Can you help me?
    Primeau, Dec 21, 2004
  2. It would seem to me that you are trying to force SW into a corner that is
    not where it wants to be. My suggestion would be to go ahead and create the
    assy and let the system work for you, rather than fighting it. I think you
    will be much happier in the end.

    Wayne Tiffany, Dec 21, 2004
  3. Primeau

    CS Guest

    It seems you want assembly functionality with a Part Feature Tree. This can
    be accomplished but you have to resort to more files.

    Don't worry you won't have to remodel anything to accomplish what you want

    1) Insert > Features > Split
    In the split tool there will be a list of all of the bodies in the Part.
    Double click each body and it will give you the opprotunity to save it to a
    separate part file. while doing this you can save 2 parts out to the same
    file but be careful of parts that are mirrors of eachother because it seems
    that SW body checking wasn't up to snuff and it confuses mirrored bodies for
    instanced bodies I haven't rechecked in current releases but I had a minor
    issue with this 6-8 months ago.

    2) Now that you have saved each body out to it's own part file. RMB on the
    split feature and it gives you the option to create an assembly. Click that
    option. Now you have an assembly of the bodies in your Multi-body part
    file. If you edit the new assembly you will notice that all the parts are
    fixed in place. If you make them floating you can apply mates and move
    everything with mates.

    CS, Dec 21, 2004
  4. Primeau

    CS Guest

    (P.S. You will be able to edit the individual parts by editing the
    origional multibody part. and the individual parts will update.) If you
    only want to make minor movements you can also use Move/Copy body in the
    multibody part without an assembly.

    CS, Dec 21, 2004
  5. Primeau

    Guest Guest

    Why not create a weldment part (file->new->part, then open the weldment
    toolbar)? SW will automatically handle the bodies as separate weldment
    members, generate cut lists, explode the part and allow ballooning,
    allow different xhatching, you also get automated gussets, automated
    welds, etc.

    Guest, Dec 21, 2004
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