bodies command

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by birtch, Sep 14, 2003.

  1. birtch

    birtch Guest

    newbie base question #1

    - LPattern2: Features option can not produce disjoint bodies. Use the
    Bodies option to mirror/pattern distinct bodies.

    what is this "bodies" feature they speak of, I have not been able to find
    it. I am trying to make a grid of sorts and it won't let me "linear pattern"
    my verticals, as I then want to run my horizontals to join these verticals.
    If you understand what I am trying to say here some advice would be greatly


    birtch, Sep 14, 2003
  2. birtch

    birtch Guest

    never mind, I found it, sorry about that
    birtch, Sep 14, 2003
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