Bluebeam PDF printer files?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Brian, Aug 22, 2005.

  1. Brian

    Brian Guest

    Spoke to my VAR this morning on an unrelated issue, but while I had him
    on the phone, I posed a question to him.

    Some of my older SW files contain references to a printer in their
    document settings that I no longer have. If I simply open one and hit the
    printer icon, it defaults to using the Bluebeam PDF printer rather than the
    windows default. According to my VAR, when this happens, a file is, in
    fact, created. He has ask SW tech ( previously ) where these files are
    stored. They and he do not know.

    This occurs relatively infrequently, and is decreasing as I save the
    files with the new printer settings. But, at 2-3 times a week x 3 years (
    however long the save as pdf has been available ), somewhere there is a
    directory with several hundred useless files in it. The files are not
    stored in the same directory as the drawing, nor are they stored with a .pdf

    Anyone know where they are? I'd like to remove them.
    Brian, Aug 22, 2005
  2. Brian

    SWX-VAR-JP Guest

    You need to look for *.PSB files. These are created when using the
    BlueBeam printer. The default location is in your temp directory
    specified in the environment of Windows.

    Jeff Parker
    SWX-VAR-JP, Aug 22, 2005
  3. Brian

    Brian Guest

    Thanks found them. Were in the C:\temp\bluebeam software directory.
    Just needed to know the proper file extension to search out. Seems it
    creates two files for every use. One with the .psB extension, and another
    with the .mxB extension. If the above directory does not exist, printing to
    the bluebeam pdf printer will create it without user consent/intervention.
    Brian, Aug 22, 2005
  4. Why not add both locations to a batch file that does it for you? If you log
    in each morning, it could run automatically. If not, at least you then only
    have to double-click on the icon and it does the work for you.



    For the past 2 years, I've had these 2 shortcuts on my desktop:

    C:\Documents and Settings\"User"\Local Settings
    I clean them out everyday.
    Best Regards,
    Devon T. Sowell
    Wayne Tiffany, Aug 23, 2005
  5. Great idea, Wayne, thanks.


    Devon T. Sowell, Aug 23, 2005
  6. Brian

    iQ Guest

    this is a most interesting post, thank you for the information. i
    always wondered where and what it produced.

    now for the un-asked question. the files that are produced, are they a
    PDF file? if they are why do they have a different suffix?

    i would expect that if i used this printer that i would get a PDF
    file... Wrong?

    am i thinking too far outside of the box for this one? iQ
    iQ, Aug 23, 2005
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