Bluebeam PDF? - Increaseing Quality/Definition?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Oliver, Oct 5, 2004.

  1. Oliver

    Oliver Guest

    Ive been useing the "save as .PDF" option lately, I'm no expert on
    creating PDF's but seems that the this works very well, most of the
    time, However I'm strugling to get higher definition images of shaded

    I prefer the In-built pdf creation over creating from printing to
    Adobe Acrobat as it uses the text and Vector graphics(I assume?), my
    tries with Adobe Acrobat seem to just create an image type pdf where
    the lines and boundaries are blurred? and the file sizes are a lot
    larger for the same apparent quality.

    Now when I try and increase the quality with the in-built bluebeam, I
    often get a distorted image when a shaded view is included in the
    drawing, it appears compressed along the vertical!

    Can anyone suggest how I can increase the qulaity/definition of the
    pdf output? from a SW Drawing & Without haveing to increase the Page
    size from A4 - A3 etc

    Or just tell me where I'm going wrong!

    -- SW2004


    Oliver, Oct 5, 2004
  2. Oliver

    Seth Renigar Guest

    I too have recently run into this same problem and was going to post this
    same question. It is like when there is shaded views on the sheet, and you
    have your print settings set to high quality, the PDF becomes squished

    Anyone know what is going on here?
    Seth Renigar, Oct 6, 2004
  3. Oliver

    neil Guest

    if you look back through this group you will see a few people including
    myself have had problems with Bluebeam doing this, unfortunately nothing
    seems to get done about it.
    neil, Oct 7, 2004
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