Blocks with Attributes

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by JMongi5967, Dec 16, 2003.

  1. JMongi5967

    JMongi5967 Guest

    I am new to AutoCAD VBA, I was wondering if anyone could help me. I am trying to write a Procedure that will loop through all the blocks, included nested blocks, in a drawing and change it objects, include attribute tags, to the color ByLayer. I am running AutoCAD 2000i Any help would be appreciated.

    JMongi5967, Dec 16, 2003
  2. JMongi5967

    Jackrabbit Guest

    Public Sub changeBlockColor(colorValue As Integer)
    Dim block As AcadBlock
    Dim entity As AcadEntity

    For Each block In ThisDrawing.Blocks
    For Each entity In block
    entity.color = colorValue
    Next entity
    Next block
    End Sub

    Public Sub testChangeBlockColor()
    changeBlockColor acByLayer
    End Sub
    Jackrabbit, Dec 16, 2003
  3. Hi Joe,
    This is a two step process. The first is to find all block definitions and
    change all of the entities defined within to color bylayer. The second step
    is to grab all block references and change all of their attribute references
    to color bylayer. Of course the tricky part there is the nested block
    condition. The first listing here takes care of step one.

    Public Sub MakeColorByLayer(acadDB As AcadDatabase)
    Dim block As AcadBlock
    Dim ent As AcadEntity

    For Each block In acadDB.Blocks
    If Not block.IsLayout And Not block.IsXRef Then
    For Each ent In block
    ent.Color = acByLayer
    Next ent
    End If
    Next block
    End Sub

    This next listing handles the second step. I chose a recursive function
    here to handle the nested blocks. I seriously doubt that anyone has blocks
    nested deep enough where there would be a difference enough to warrant
    coding up an iterative function to handle this. Also note that I didn't
    account for constant attributes.

    Public Sub MakeAttRefsColorByLayer(blockRef As AcadBlockReference)
    Dim acadDoc As AcadDocument
    Set acadDoc = blockRef.Document

    Dim blockName As String
    blockName = blockRef.Name

    Dim blockDef As AcadBlock
    Set blockDef = acadDoc.Blocks.Item(blockName)

    'Test if the block is a simple block.
    If Not blockDef.IsLayout And Not blockDef.IsXRef Then
    Dim attRefs As Variant
    Dim attRef As AcadAttributeReference
    Dim attRefIndex As Integer

    'Set all of the attributes to color bylayer
    If blockRef.HasAttributes Then
    attRefs = blockRef.GetAttributes()
    For attRefIndex = LBound(attRefs) To UBound(attRefs)
    Set attRef = attRefs(attRefIndex)
    attRef.Color = acByLayer
    Next attRefIndex
    End If

    'Check for nested blocks
    Dim ent As AcadEntity
    Dim nestedBlockRef As AcadBlockReference
    For Each ent In blockDef
    If TypeOf ent Is AcadBlockReference Then
    'Make recursive call to handle nested blocks
    Set nestedBlockRef = ent
    Call MakeAttRefsColorByLayer(nestedBlockRef)
    End If
    Next ent
    End If
    End Sub

    You can run these two functions like this. For the sake of simplicity I am
    iterating all of the layouts in search of block references, but you could
    just as easily create a filtered selection set if you so desired.

    Public Sub TestMakeColorByLayer()
    'Step one
    Call MakeColorByLayer(ThisDrawing.Database)

    'Step Two
    Dim layout As AcadLayout
    Dim ent As AcadEntity
    Dim blockRef As AcadBlockReference

    For Each layout In ThisDrawing.Layouts
    For Each ent In layout.block
    If TypeOf ent Is AcadBlockReference Then
    Set blockRef = ent
    Call MakeAttRefsColorByLayer(blockRef)
    End If
    Next ent
    Next layout
    End Sub

    I also just caught the fact that you are on 2000i. My original code was
    created in 2004 and utilized the new true color object. I'm pretty sure
    that I ripped all of that out and replaced all of the TrueColor property
    calls to the Color property, but it's not tested as such. Let me know if
    you have any problems.
    Bobby C. Jones

    trying to write a Procedure that will loop through all the blocks, included
    nested blocks, in a drawing and change it objects, include attribute tags,
    to the color ByLayer. I am running AutoCAD 2000i Any help would be
    Bobby C. Jones, Dec 16, 2003
  4. Just for the record, This is not a "two step process",
    and you don't need to worry about 'nested' blocks or
    application of 'recursive' concepts, because you're
    going to process *all* objects in the drawing, except
    for those in layouts.

    In fact, the "recursive approach" posted in another
    reply, will needlessly process the same block multiple
    times, when insertions of it appear in more than one
    parent block. Duh!

    This Sub will process every block, including layouts,
    but will not change the color of entities that are
    directly owned by layouts:

    Public Sub ProcessBlock(Block As AcadBlock)
    Dim IsNested As Boolean
    IsNested = not Block.IsLayout
    Dim Entity As AcadEntity
    ForEach Entity in Block
    If IsNested then
    Entity.Color = acByLayer
    End If
    if TypeOf Entity is AcadBlockReference then
    Dim BlockRef As AcadBlockReference
    Set BlockRef = Entity
    If BlockRef.HasAttributes then
    Dim AttRef As AcadAttributeReference
    Dim Attributes As Variant
    Attributes = BlockRef.GetAttributes
    Dim i As Integer
    For i = LBound(Attributes) to UBound(Attributes)
    Set AttRef = Attributes(i)
    AttRef.Color = acByLayer
    Next i
    End If
    End If
    Next Entity
    End Sub

    With the above, you just need this:

    Public Sub ProcessDrawing
    Dim ABlock As AcadBlock
    ForEach ABlock in ThisDrawing.Blocks
    If not ABlock.IsXref then
    ProcessBlock ABlock
    End if
    Next Block
    End Sub

    through all the blocks, included nested blocks, in a drawing and change it objects, include attribute tags, to the color
    ByLayer. I am running AutoCAD 2000i Any help would be appreciated.
    Tony Tanzillo, Dec 17, 2003
  5. Note that both of those subs were not tested
    at all, and there's a stupid bug in the second

    Public Sub ProcessDrawing
    Dim ABlock As AcadBlock
    ForEach ABlock in ThisDrawing.Blocks
    If not ABlock.IsXref then
    ProcessBlock ABlock
    End if
    Next ABlock ' bug fixed
    End Sub
    Tony Tanzillo, Dec 17, 2003
  6. Big Duh indeed T man! What was the other poster, or is that poser, thinking
    :) Thanks for the simplified answer.
    Bobby C. Jones

    trying to write a Procedure that will loop
    objects, include attribute tags, to the color
    Bobby C. Jones, Dec 17, 2003
  7. JMongi5967

    Doug Broad Guest

    Nice. And at the risk of gittin stomped ;-)

    There is also the matter of possible constant attributes
    that would be handled similarly with getconstantattributes.
    Doug Broad, Dec 17, 2003
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