Blocks Attribute editing.

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Pierre Desmarais, Apr 26, 2004.

  1. Hi!

    I am trying to figure this out for 2 weeks now. I quit. Can anyone
    help me?

    I have a BOM on a layout. The layout is named "ORDER". Each line of my
    BOM is a block called "field4". First attribute is called "ITEM" and
    has a value of 1 (for the first line, 2 for the second ...). Second
    attribute is called "QTY" and the third is "DESCRIPTION".

    I have 20 lines on my layout.

    I need to:
    1: Find the "ORDER" layout.
    2: Find the block called "field4".
    3: If the "ITEM" = "1" then replace "QTY" with my variable QtyToOrder
    and the "DESCRIPTION" with my last variable PartDescription.

    Help would be sooooo appreciate, you wouldn't believe!!

    Pierre Desmarais, Apr 26, 2004
  2. Pierre Desmarais

    A Seidel Guest

    This might work:

    Private Sub TestUpDateBlkAttTarget()
    Dim strBlkName As String
    Dim strItemNum As String
    Dim strQty As String
    Dim strDescription As String
    Dim stat As Integer
    strBlkName = "field4"
    strItemNum = "1"
    strQty = "10"
    strdecription = "zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz"
    stat = UpDateBlkAttTarget("field4", 1, strItemNum, 2, strQty, 3,
    End Sub

    Function UpDateBlkAttTarget(strBlkTarg As String, _
    AttNumFind As Integer, strAttNumFind As String, _
    AttNumR01 As Integer, strAttNumR01 As String, _
    AttNumR02 As Integer, strAttNumR02 As String) As
    Dim x As Integer
    Dim fType() As Integer
    Dim fData() As Variant
    Const ssnam = "SSTarg"
    For x = 0 To ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Count - 1
    If ThisDrawing.SelectionSets(x).Name = ssnam Then
    Exit For
    End If
    '----- Establish the selection set and its filter criteria
    Dim SSET1 As AcadSelectionSet
    Set SSET1 = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Add(ssnam)
    ReDim fType(0)
    ReDim fData(0)
    fType(0) = 2 ' dxf name group code
    fData(0) = strBlkTarg ' block name
    SSET1.Select acSelectionSetAll, , , fType, fData
    Dim SetItem As AcadEntity
    For Each SetItem In SSET1
    Select Case SetItem.ObjectName
    Case Is = "AcDbBlockReference"
    Dim ItemBlockRef As AcadBlockReference
    Dim ItemAttributes As Variant
    Set ItemBlockRef = SetItem
    ItemAttributes = ItemBlockRef.GetAttributes
    If UBound(ItemAttributes) > -1 Then 'item has attributes
    If AttNumFind > 0 Then ' avoid error but not assume 1
    If Not (AttNumFind > UBound(ItemAttributes)) Then
    If UCase(ItemAttributes(AttNumFind).TextString) =
    UCase(strAttNumFind) Then
    ' attribute layer might be locked
    Dim Ls As Boolean ' layer lock state
    Dim IAtL As Variant ' att's layer
    IAtL = ItemAttributes(AttNumFind).Layer
    Ls = ThisDrawing.Layers(IAtL).Lock
    ThisDrawing.Layers(IAtL).Lock = False
    ItemAttributes(AttNumR01).TextString = strAttNumR01
    ItemAttributes(AttNumR02).TextString = strAttNumR02
    ThisDrawing.Layers(IAtL).Lock = Ls
    UpDateWTID = 1 ' SUCCESS
    End If
    End If
    End If
    End If
    End Select
    End Function
    A Seidel, Apr 26, 2004
  3. Thx a lot A.Seidel!

    With a couple of minor modifications the procedure work fine except
    that it modifies ALL the layouts first line of BOM. I only need to
    change the layout named "Typical". I made that layout active before I
    called the function but it doesn't change anything.

    Thx again for the help, now I can see the light at the end of the
    tunnel (hope it's not a train!).

    Pierre Desmarais
    Pierre Desmarais, Apr 30, 2004

    The layer's name is NOT "Typical" but "ORDER".


    Pierre Desmarais
    Pierre Desmarais, May 3, 2004
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