blocks and text

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Rabbit, Feb 27, 2004.

  1. Rabbit

    Rabbit Guest

    This has prolly been asked a million gazillion times, so why would it hurt
    to add another. Is the general concensus to create several blocks that have
    text in them? One for each scale your going to be using. Or, is there some
    trick that I either never had learned or never known about? It's extremely
    hard to create a dozen versions of the same block with different sized text
    in each one. I'm on 2004LT so all Lisp and VBA answers are automatically
    wrong. If I was on full blown AutoCad I wouldn't be asking. I already have
    a Lisp routine to take care of it.

    Rabbit, Feb 27, 2004
  2. Rabbit

    Chip Harper Guest

    Same way in LT as the full version, create one block and insert at dimscale.
    Now I bet the next question will be how? Heres the answer to that one too,

    Chip Harper, Feb 27, 2004
  3. Rabbit

    OLD-CADaver Guest

    I know nothing about LT, will
    OLD-CADaver, Feb 27, 2004
  4. I understand that much. But, when you have a block that is representing a
    piece of equipment, you don't want to change the size of it. So, if the
    block is drawn for 1/8" scale and is inserted in at 1" scale, then the text
    is enormous. Is there a way to make this easier straight from the

    And thanks for the info on the dimscale. I felt like that was going to be a
    question later. I was hoping I'd be able to figure it out. But alas, after
    looking at it, I would have never figured it out. <g>
    Rabbit @ home, Feb 27, 2004
  5. Rabbit

    Chip Harper Guest

    OK, when I originally read your question I was thinking along the lines of
    an elevation sysmbol or section cut. These are items that you want to get
    larger/smaller based on the drawing scale as well as the associated text.
    Hence you could create one elevation symbol with an attributed text, you
    insert based on dimscale, and type in the text when prompted (assuming
    correct sysvar settings). Now your elevation text is always the same plotted
    height. If your drawing equipment, it should be drawn and inserted at 1:1. A
    piece of equipment that measures 36"x36" should always measure 36"x36"
    regardless of plotting scale. If I understand what you wanting to do, the
    best I could think of is inserting the equipment block at 1:1 and inserting
    a second text block at dimscale.
    Chip Harper, Feb 28, 2004
  6. Here are two possible non-lisp solutions:

    1. You can have ONE block that has a different sized text entity on
    different layers. You can create a separate layer for each text scale:
    A-Anno-Note-1_8 (1/8" = 1'-0"), A-Anno-Note-1_4 (1/4"=1-0"), A-Anno-Note-1_2
    (1/2" = 1'-0"), etc., etc. If you're drawing will be plotted at 1/4" =
    1'-0", just Freeze all of the "A-Anno-Note" layers except for the
    "A-Anno-Note-1_4" layer. If you want to plot different plans with different
    scales on one sheet, you can use Paperspace Viewports and freeze the layers
    that you don't want in each viewport.

    2. Another option is to use ONE block with a seperate ATTRIBUTE for each
    size text entity. You can have a TAG for each size of text. Fill-in the
    one that represents the scale that you want and just leave the other ones

    For those of you using AutoCAD (not LT), you can download "BLOCKS.VLX" from: This utility allows you to change the properties
    of block attributes without the need to explode the block or redefine it.
    One of the properties that can be changed is the text height.

    Gary Lafreniere, Feb 29, 2004
  7. Nice multi-layering & mutli-attribute ladening tips...

    Web site says:

    New Look, New Products... Coming Early 2004

    Please, DO NOT send technical requests to me via private e-mail

    Tracy W. Lincoln
    Assistant Moderator - Autodesk Discussion Forum
    Tracy W. Lincoln, Feb 29, 2004
  8. I was hoping that there *might* be a better way. I guess this is something
    on my wish list for AutoCad, to have one of the variables for attributes be
    an option to have it scale with the scale of the viewport or with the
    dimscale or both. I currently use a combination of the two ways you speak
    of. I have attributes for each size on different layers. But, after some
    analysis, I think just having regular ol' text would be easier than
    attributes. This way i can select all of them and use properties to change
    them all at once. Wiht attributes I would have to type in the same text in
    each blank. Thnaks for the response Gary. Much appreciated.
    Rabbit @ home, Mar 1, 2004
  9. I just downloaded "Block.vlx" from on Feb.23rd.
    Rudy Tovar of posted this in the Customer Files NG on Feb 20,

    We wrote a 'Block Attribute Assistant' some years ago, for 2000, I just
    tested it for 2002 and still compatible. More than likely 2004 and 2005.

    Control the following multiple block reference by selection:

    Oblique Angle

    Authorized Developer

    Gary Lafreniere, Mar 1, 2004
  10. Rabbit

    OLD-CADaver Guest

    Not sure why you'd draw something at 1/8" and insert it at 1", but here's a try. Nested blocks utilizing dimscale. Make your drawing then BLOCK it prior to annotation. INSERT the block, annotate, then WBLOCK. When you insert that file, explode it, them use TEXTSCALE and DIMSTYLE the modify the display.
    OLD-CADaver, Mar 1, 2004
  11. Is it worth you putting your labels in paperspace?

    Daniel J. Ellis, Mar 1, 2004
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