Blocks and DrawOrder question

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Maksim Sestic, Oct 13, 2004.

  1. Dear all,

    I'm experiencing rather interesting problem: there is a block that consists of a square and a circle - square lies in layer "SQUARES", while circle's layer name is "CIRCLES" (as defined in the block DWG file). Circle lies _above_ the square (DRAWORDER). Then, there is a blank new drawing and I'm inserting above described block (INSERT) into the layer "0"...

    If I switch layer "SQUARES" off, the block's square also gets switched off. Fine for now. I'm currently trying to put all entities from layer "SQAURES" _above_ entities residing in layer "CIRCLES". But it won't work. My conclusion: draworder defined in block can't be changed.
    Maksim Sestic, Oct 13, 2004
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