block rescaling

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by George M, Jan 6, 2004.

  1. George M

    George M Guest

    I have numerous drawing that I need to print out. My problem is that some
    blocks with attributes are so small when they are printed that I need to
    scale each block seperately.
    Match properties would be nice if it did that for me but it wont. is there a
    LISP routine to help me with this?? I want to
    scale each block either twice or three times its initial size depending on
    the drawing. How can I easily do this? Right now I have to select one
    block at a time then go to properties and change the x and y scale from 1 to
    either 2 or 3. It works this way but keep in mind I have about 50-75 blocks
    on each drawing and I have about 25 drawings so this is too time
    consuming. I hope I explained my problem. Any help is appreciated. TIA
    George M, Jan 6, 2004
  2. George M

    ECCAD Guest

    Just scaling the Blocks won't get it. They will overlap (lines), and other drawing content. I have routines to bump up the Text and/or Attribute height. If multiple fields, these would then overlap if up-scaled. Might be possible to scale whole .dwg, and plot quadrants ?
    ECCAD, Jan 6, 2004
  3. George M

    mark Guest

    try this to scale the entite block, with its attributes

    (defun C:SB (/ ss1 en1 el1 n x1 bs1)
    (if (null ScFact)(setq ScFact 1.0))(initget 6)
    (setq x1 (getreal (strcat "\nScale Factor <"
    (rtos ScFact 2 2) ">: ")))
    (if (null x1)(setq x1 ScFact)(setq ScFact x1))
    (setq n -1 ss1 nil ss1 (ssget (list (cons 0 "INSERT"))))
    (if ss1
    (repeat (sslength ss1)
    (setq el1 (entget (setq en1 (ssname ss1 (setq n (1+ n)))))
    bs1 (cdr (assoc 41 el1)) pt1 (cdr (assoc 10 el1)) )
    (command "SCALE" en1 "" pt1 x1) ) )
    (princ) )

    mark, Jan 6, 2004
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