Block move problem in lisp

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Jamie Myers, Jul 24, 2003.

  1. Jamie Myers

    Jamie Myers Guest

    I want to move a block using lisp where it moves back and forth only on a
    specified angle. The sequence would go something like this; the block
    would be picked, then a predefined first point is selected, then I want my
    users to be able to see the block sliding back and forth <animated> along an
    angle that was previoulsy defined in the routine. The user will have a
    choice of either hitting enter, or right clicking, or clicking a point along
    the angle or typing in a distance. By hitting enter, or right clicking, the
    second displacement point of the move will default to the same point as the
    first point of the move. I tried this, with ortho on, (command "move" Block
    "" BlockInsertionPoint (if (= (getpoint) nil) BlockInsertionPoint)) and it
    didn't work, but you may get the idea. I never got far enough to figure out
    the sliding back and forth along a certain angle. I was going to try some
    setting the "baseang" variable to do that, but dunno if it will work. As
    for now, I just wanna get the block to move right.
    Jamie Myers, Jul 24, 2003
  2. Jamie Myers

    Jamie Myers Guest

    Yeah, grread was suggested by another person, but it is way over my head.
    He explain that the move would have to be in some sort of a loop. Don't
    supposed you could explain it in normal english?

    Drafters triangle:
    Quality + Quickness = Lisp Expert
    Quality + Cheap = Salary Worker
    Timely + Cheap = Trained Monkey

    Jamie Myers, Jul 24, 2003
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