Block Manager

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by gizmowiebe, Dec 13, 2004.

  1. gizmowiebe

    gizmowiebe Guest

    Hi There,
    I'm trying to create a block manager using VBA. I'ts all working fine. But the thing is I would like to create a block manager witch users can fill in for themselves. So they can create different groups with different blocks in them.

    I all must look something like this.

    [Mounting Brackets] <=== Group name
    F12-108-0 <=== Block name

    [Assembly Parts]

    Is there a way that I can create this, the Group names and block names. And to do this so that I can be edited all the time.

    Regards Wiebe
    gizmowiebe, Dec 13, 2004
  2. gizmowiebe

    TomD Guest

    the thing is I would like to create a block manager witch users can fill in
    for themselves. So they can create different groups with different blocks in
    And to do this so that I can be edited all the time.

    Of course, this depends on how, exactly, you have your libray configured.
    If it is database driven, you can have a field for "Group Name", then with
    SQL you can easily do a SELECT DISTINCT [Group Name] query, which would give
    you all of your groups. Then, for each group, you can display the matching

    I've done this with an intranet web links page, as well. It does provide
    plenty of flexibility, though it does leave more data control up to the

    TomD, Dec 13, 2004
  3. gizmowiebe

    gizmowiebe Guest

    I Havend driven the database yet. I'm looking for the best option. What do you think?
    gizmowiebe, Dec 13, 2004
  4. gizmowiebe

    TomD Guest

    you think?

    Well, using a database gives you alot more control and more options, as far
    as the interface is concerned. The data is all centralized and tends to be
    much easier to control, since you are determining the users level of

    If you want something 'simpler', maybe a "blocks" folder, with a subfolder
    for each group, then your manager could use FileSystemObject to iterate
    through them, collecting the available symbols. The downside to this method
    is that maintaining a description would be a little harder to control.

    Please repost with your solution, when you're satisfied. I'm planning on
    doing one here, soon, with the plan (at least right now) being to use the
    data structure of Land's symbol manager with a stand-alone interface so it
    can be used with Map, as well, not forcing the user to have Land running.
    TomD, Dec 13, 2004
  5. gizmowiebe

    gizmowiebe Guest

    I like the folder Idea. I can create a Listbox witch will show different folders for each group. And than maybe a INSERT button to insert blocks innto the manager.
    gizmowiebe, Dec 13, 2004
  6. gizmowiebe

    j buzbee Guest

    It always amazes me that people don't realize that a dwg file is a database
    .. . . with a multitiude of wonderful tools to access and manipulate it.
    Have you thought about saving all your blocks in one drawing, residing on a
    server, and then accessing the blocks via ObjectDBX? Grouping could be
    easily handled by naming: A_BNAME_001, B_BNAME_002, etc. Modifiying,
    updating and managing this "database" could be handle with tools you already
    understand: AutoCAD.

    just a thought.

    j buzbee, Dec 30, 2004
  7. gizmowiebe

    TomD Guest

    I wouldn't prefer it, but I also wouldn't have a problem with what you
    TomD, Jan 3, 2005
  8. Need to keep in mind that the dwg database
    is not multiuser.
    So if you plan on having more that one user
    updating and managing this dwg "database"
    then using the dwg is not a good idea.
    Jorge Jimenez, Jan 3, 2005
  9. gizmowiebe

    j buzbee Guest

    True, however in most AE firms, or anywhere that office "standards" are
    kept, the task of managing data falls on one (or a few) individual(s).

    I have two drawings: AECStandards.dwg that users access and
    AECStandards-edit.dwg. The latter being a mirror used for management
    purposes. When it comes to AutoCAD objects, i.e. Layers, Blocks,
    Textstyles, Dimstyles, AEC Styles, etc. you can't beat the resident modifing
    tools. IMHO.

    j buzbee, Jan 4, 2005
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