Blinding out layers

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by ALuPin, Jan 29, 2004.

  1. ALuPin

    ALuPin Guest

    Hello @ all,

    I have a question concerning AUTOCAD LT 2004:

    I want to blind out all layers with the exception of one.
    After that I want to save it without the blinded out layers.
    I don't want to delete one by one.
    So is there a possibility to manage that?

    Best regards

    ALuPin, Jan 29, 2004
  2. ALuPin

    Paul Turvill Guest

    Just freeze all of the layers except the one you want to keep, then WBLOCK
    the visible objects (i.e., select ALL) to a new drawing. The new drawing
    will contain only the layers that were on and thawed at the time you invoked
    the WBLOCK command.
    Paul Turvill, Jan 29, 2004
  3. ALuPin

    ALuPin Guest

    Dear Mr Turvill,

    thank you for your immediate answer.

    One further question about that issue:

    When doing WBLOCK command the new drawing contains only the layers that were
    on but now the other layers (freezed in the original drawing) cannot be
    thawn anymore because they cannot be selected anymore.
    Is there any possibility not to lose them?

    Thank you very much in advance

    Kind regards
    ALuPin, Jan 30, 2004
  4. Did you want to save without the "blinded" layers or not?
    If you just keep them freezed, they will still be in the drawing but

    Conny Klasson, Jan 30, 2004
  5. ALuPin

    Paul Turvill Guest

    Isn't that *exactly* what you asked for in your original post?

    If you want to preserve them, then don't WBLOCK. Just Freeze them, and keep
    the original drawing.
    Paul Turvill, Jan 30, 2004
  6. ALuPin

    ALuPin Guest


    this method is not bad but there is one problem with it:

    When I WBLOCK the visible objects a new library element is created
    but I do not want that!
    So is there an alternative without creating a new lib object ?

    Best regards
    ALuPin, Feb 2, 2004
  7. If you make the name of the WBLOCK the same as the original drawing, and
    then close the original drawing you WITHOUT SAVING, then open the drawing of
    the same name again, you will see that the other layers are gone. This is
    not reversible, so you better be clearer with yourself than you have been
    with us about what you want exactly.....
    Michael Bulatovich, Feb 2, 2004
  8. ALuPin

    Paul Turvill Guest

    Huh? There's nothing in the sequence I mentioned that would create a
    "library element" -- are you speaking of the *new* drawing created by the
    WBLOCK command, or the original drawing? And please explain what you mean by
    "library element."
    Paul Turvill, Feb 2, 2004
  9. ALuPin

    Smiley Guest

    (ALuPin) wrote in message
    I am not entirely clear on what you want, because you are using some
    non-Autocad terms. I know it is difficult to know what the various
    commands do in all their variations and combinations. But here is a

    If you want to keep some objects that are on certain layers, but
    erase the other objects...

    First, I would work on a copy of your original drawing, so you don't
    risk destroying your drawing. Then, on this copy, erase everything
    you want to get rid of. You might accomplish this by freezing just
    the layers you want to keep, so that only the stuff you do not want is
    visible. All layers will remain, even if they are empty. You might
    want to purge the unused blocks at this point.

    But, as I said in the beginning, there are issues you may need to
    consider. For example, create a block which has items on the layers
    named "BASEMENT" and "PLUMBING". Then insert that block onto a layer
    called "ROOF".

    If you Freeze the layer called ROOF, then nothing in the block will
    be visible, and even if you delete everything else on the BASEMENT
    layer, that block will remain, and consequently the BASEMENT and
    PLUMBING layers will still have things on them.

    Alternatively, instead of freezing the layer ROOF you just turn it
    off. Then everything on that block will be visible. If you turn off
    the PLUMBING layer, those objects will be invisible, but you can still
    see the stuff in that block which are on the PLUMBING layer. If you
    select one of the PLUMBING items inside that block, then the entire
    block will be erased (but still saved inside the drawing until it is

    There are probably several other issues which may relate to your
    drawing, but without knowing absolutely everything about the drawing
    and exactly what you want, I can't advise you. AutoCAD is just a
    complex program and it takes a lot of learning and experience before
    you can understand all the issues with apparently simple commands.

    Smiley, Feb 3, 2004
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