Blender tutorial pilot

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by neil, Dec 26, 2004.

  1. neil

    neil Guest

    Greetings all,
    I have been busy and done a short pilot tutorial for SW users who might want
    to use Blender for there anyone (3-4 would do) interested in
    looking at it and giving me C&C about style, usefulness, pace etc.? If there
    is sufficient wider interest I will think about doing a series of them to
    jump start newbies. This one just covers one aspect of applying materials to particular importance - just a trial for me really...format is
    macromedia flash (swf) that will run in your browser...(with xpsp2
    permission of course)....runs for about 2m20s = 1.2mb zipped ...easy email
    : )
    alternatively I could publish as PDF....
    neil, Dec 26, 2004
  2. neil

    Muggs Guest

    Hey Neil,

    I would love t check it out.
    I use Flamingo for my renders, but have been interested in Blender.

    send to [email protected] with no dashes.
    Muggs, Dec 26, 2004
  3. neil

    Andy Camps Guest

    Hi Neil,
    Send it, send it!

    Leave the .invllid part out
    Andy Camps, Dec 27, 2004
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