Blender, AC3D, Rhino or...?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Markus Jakas, Jun 1, 2005.

  1. Markus Jakas

    Markus Jakas Guest

    Which one would be the best for architecture? I'm about to graduate an
    need to buy a 3D program, but I don't want to cash out
    on architectural desktop or 3DStudioViz. I'm considering Autocad LE for
    drafting and basic region-based geometry, and one of the programs
    mentioned above for completing the models and rendering. Buiying a
    commercial program like Rhino at student price before i graduate might be
    one option, but it all boils down to if the program is suited to

    So far, in addition to LE, I've been using 3DStudioViz and the
    fullversion of Autocad for rendering. For modelling I've mostly been using
    solids in the fullversion.


    Markus Jakas, Jun 1, 2005
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