Black & White

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Ian Robinson, Jan 16, 2004.

  1. Ian Robinson

    Ian Robinson Guest

    Is there a way of making white print white rather than black?

    Ian Robinson, Jan 16, 2004
  2. Ian Robinson

    Azzman Guest

    Make white colour 255 is an easy way of doing this.
    Azzman, Jan 27, 2004
  3. Ian Robinson

    Roarmeister Guest

    Not unless you happen to have white ink and black/dark
    coloured paper. :)

    With ink you are always working with an absence of any
    colour AND ink to create white. With light it is always the
    opposite - where white is the combination of all visible

    Unless your paper stock is other than white and you want to
    print white objects. Problem is - I've never heard of
    <white ink> available from anyone! If you have - let the
    world know!

    You can however have very light lines/objects by changing
    the fill % of the pen/cad colour - say 10 or 20% grey
    instead of 100% black.

    Oxymoron: Black Light
    Roarmeister, Jan 28, 2004
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