
Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Suresh Jeevanandam, Sep 16, 2004.

  1. All,
    With the current bindkey mechanism we can map one function to one
    <modifier>+<Key-stroke> combination. So, we end up with a max limit on
    the number of actions user can initiate with the key strokes.

    Instead, If we can come up with a tree kind of structure, where each
    function, when invoked, copies the current key-function mapping in a
    temporary place, and sets a new mapping, user passes options/values ,
    and reverts back to the old mapping while coming out from the function.
    This would enhance the productivity a lot. For example, to stretch an
    edge of a polygon by 12 units,
    o user would select the edge ; The mapping is global
    o press "s" ; the mapping becomes stretch specific
    o press "->" arrow mark
    o press 1
    o press 2
    o press <Enter> ; control comes out from stretch(), mapping becomes
    global again.

    Any comments..

    Suresh Jeevanandam, Sep 16, 2004
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