bind keys not enabled

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Hari, Aug 8, 2003.

  1. Hari

    Hari Guest

    Hi while invoking cadence viruoso layout editor the bind keys are not
    enabled. for ex if i press 's' stretch is not enabled. What is the
    problem. what should I do to enable it. why this problem occurs.

    thanks in advance

    Hari, Aug 8, 2003
  2. Quite probably the bindkeys have not been loaded in the .cdsinit file.

    The .cdsinit file is searched for in:

    ~ (home dir)
    . (current working dir)

    and then the first one found loaded. Often people have a central one which
    continues the search in the other places (but sometimes the file is called
    something else then - I've seen personal files such as .cdslocal, .cdsuser -
    you'd have to ask whoever is responsible for your system)

    To load the sample bindkeys that we provide with the software, you can
    add the line:


    There are some other sample bindkeys as well, including
    which contain a unified set of bindkeys (vaguely common keys between
    composer and virtuoso). And of course you can roll your own.

    To try them out, try typing the above command in the CIW entry line.

    Andrew Beckett, Aug 8, 2003
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