Biconic Surface, Acoustic Reflector

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Stefan, Sep 24, 2006.

  1. Stefan

    Stefan Guest


    I'm trying to design an acoustic reflector in SW, (I just purchased the
    2006-2007 student edition). I am able to make a parabolic mirror by
    doing a revolving cut of a parabola sketch. For example, if the central
    axis of the reflector/mirror is the z-axis, then the surface changes
    depth with the radius from the z-axis. So it is symmetric about the
    z-axis. But does anyone know if it's possible to model a biconic
    surface? A biconic surface is not symmetric about the central axis. For
    example, if the central axis is the z-axis, a biconic surface will vary
    its depth with both x and y. I have the equation for this surface, but
    how would I model it in SW so that it can be machined?


    Stefan, Sep 24, 2006
  2. I believe what you want to do is sweep a conic section along a conic trajectory
    maintaining a constant, parallel co-planar axes, section normal direction.
    Maybe someone will come along and help with a Solidworks specific method of
    accomplishing that or something more expedient if it's not readily apparent.
    two_ringy_dingy, Sep 24, 2006
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