Better way for mapcar

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by BTO, Jul 7, 2004.

  1. BTO

    BTO Guest


    i'm looking for a better way to write this mapcar (or other advice or other
    my final result :

    (setq path_acad (strcat (vl-registry-read (strcat "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\"
    (vlax-product-key)) "ACADLOCATION") "\\"))
    (setq file_scr (open (strcat path_acad "macro.scr") "w"))
    (setq temp2 nil)
    '(lambda (x)
    (if (not temp2)
    (setq temp2 x )
    (write-line (strcat temp2 " " x ) file_scr )
    (setq temp2 nil )
    (list "ATTDIA" "0" "ATTMODE" "1" "ATTREQ" "1" )
    (close file_scr )

    Goal is to create a batch script (it works perfectly), but i want to replace
    my old :

    (write-line "BLIPMODE 0" fichier_scr )
    (write-line "COORDS 1" fichier_scr )
    (write-line "DELOBJ 1" fichier_scr )
    (write-line "DISPSILH 0" fichier_scr )
    (write-line "EDGEMODE 1" fichier_scr )
    (write-line "ELEVATION 0" fichier_scr )
    (write-line "EXPLMODE 1" fichier_scr )
    (write-line "FACETRES 0.5" fichier_scr )
    (write-line "FILLMODE 1" fichier_scr )
    (write-line "GRIDMODE 0" fichier_scr )
    (write-line "HIGHLIGHT 1" fichier_scr )
    (write-line "INDEXCTL 0" fichier_scr )

    ...I hope, i did not miss my copy-past

    Bruno Toniutti
    (sorry for my english level)
    BTO, Jul 7, 2004
  2. BTO

    zeha Guest

    experience with vl-member-if-not

    zeha, Jul 7, 2004
  3. BTO

    Devin Guest


    personally I only use mapcar if I'm building a list. Or if it's really time
    critical. I think you could just use foreach, something like...

    (setq lst
    ("ATTDIA" "0")
    ("ATTMODE" "1")
    ("ATTREQ" "1")
    (foreach var lst
    (write-line (strcat (car var) " " (cadr var)) file_scr)

    I think it's cleaner perhaps?
    Devin, Jul 7, 2004
  4. BTO

    Tom Smith Guest

    I'd probably keep the variables and values as association lists rather than
    stringing them together in one list.

    '(lambda (alist)
    (write-line (strcat (car alist) " " (cdr alist)) file_scr))
    '(("ATTDIA" . "0") ("ATTMODE" . "1") ("ATTREQ" . "1")))

    Or you could use foreach as Devin said

    (foreach alist '(("ATTDIA" . "0") ("ATTMODE" . "1") ("ATTREQ" . "1"))
    (write-line (strcat (car alist) " " (cdr alist) ) file_scr )))
    Tom Smith, Jul 7, 2004
  5. BTO

    BTO Guest


    yes it's cleaner,
    but if I "make" lst as you saw,
    mapcar only need something like :
    (mapcar '(lambda (x) (write-line (strcat (car x) " " (cadr x)) file_scr))
    lst )

    but i agree, in this case a "foreach" is cleaner.

    list as I typed is part of challenge ;)

    Bruno Toniutti
    BTO, Jul 7, 2004
  6. BTO

    BTO Guest

    i'm doing that, may be a more elegant result than my "temp2"...

    Bruno Toniutti
    BTO, Jul 7, 2004
  7. time critical ?
    is mapcar faster then foreach ???

    Dieter Berger, Jul 7, 2004
  8. BTO

    Devin Guest

    That's what I've read on this forum by the minds that be. I haven't
    actually tested it myself.
    Devin, Jul 7, 2004
  9. BTO

    BTO Guest

    thx everybody,

    at this time my final result is :

    (setq lst (list 'ATTDIA 0 'FACETRES 0.5 'ATTREQ 1 )) ; I found nothing
    simpler, and it's part of challenge (I forgot to specify it, sorry)

    ; to test, I replaced write-line by princ
    (mapcar '(lambda (x) (if (numberp x) (princ (strcat "\n" (vl-symbol-name
    tmp) " " (rtos x))) (setq tmp x))) lst )

    ; same thing :
    '(lambda (x)
    (if (numberp x)
    (princ (strcat "\n" (vl-symbol-name tmp) " " (rtos x)))
    (setq tmp x)

    any advice is welcome

    Bruno Toniutti
    BTO, Jul 8, 2004
  10. BTO

    BTO Guest

    at this time my final result is :

    (setq lst
    'acadlspasdoc 0
    'apbox 0
    'attdia 0
    'attmode 1
    'attmode 1

    ;I removed "strcat" and "setq"
    '(lambda (x)
    (if (numberp x)
    (write-line (rtos x) file_scr )
    (write-line (vl-symbol-name x) file_scr )

    and with "if" inside "write-line" :

    '(lambda (x)
    (write-line (if (numberp x) (rtos x) (vl-symbol-name x)) file_scr )

    single line :
    (mapcar '(lambda (x) (write-line (if (numberp x) (rtos x) (vl-symbol-name
    x)) file_scr )) lst)

    Bruno Toniutti
    BTO, Jul 16, 2004
  11. BTO

    BTO Guest

    with simplest list :

    (setq lst "acadlspasdoc 0 apbox 0 attdia 0 attmode 1 attmode 1 attreq 1
    trimmode 1 ucsfollow 0 ucsicon 1 visretain 1 worldview 1")

    (while (> (strlen lst ) 0)
    (setq tmp (read lst ))
    (setq tmp_txt (if (numberp tmp ) (rtos tmp )(vl-symbol-name tmp )))
    (princ (strcat "\n" tmp_txt )) ; I use princ to test result
    (setq lst (substr lst (+ (strlen tmp_txt ) 2)))

    advices are welcome.

    Bruno Toniutti
    BTO, Aug 23, 2004
  12. BTO

    Jürg Menzi Guest

    Hi Bruno

    How about this:
    (defun WriteStringToFile (Stg Fil)
    '(lambda (l)
    (strcat "\n" (if (numberp l) (rtos l) (vl-symbol-name l))))
    ) (read (strcat "(" Stg ")"))
    Jürg Menzi, Aug 24, 2004
  13. BTO

    Jürg Menzi Guest


    I didn't test the code and I've recognized two errors - must be:
    (defun WriteStringToFile (Stg Fil)
    '(lambda (l)
    (if (numberp l) (rtos l) (vl-symbol-name l))
    ) (read (strcat "(" Stg ")"))
    Jürg Menzi, Oct 12, 2004
  14. BTO

    BTO Guest

    (defun WriteStringToFile (Stg Fil)
    '(lambda (l)
    (if (numberp l) (rtos l) (vl-symbol-name l))
    ) (read (strcat "(" Stg ")"))

    I updated my code and mixed several parts with your line :

    (read (strcat "(" lst ")"))

    and :

    (setq lst "acadlspasdoc 0 apbox 0 attdia 0 attmode 1 attmode 1 attreq 1
    trimmode 1 ucsfollow 0 ucsicon 1 visretain 1 worldview 1")

    and my post from 07 16 2004 :
    '(lambda (x)
    (write-line (if (numberp x) (rtos x) (vl-symbol-name x)) file_scr )

    so i get same result.

    (read (strcat "(" Stg ")")) was the part needed, you found it, and thank you

    Have a nice day.
    Bruno Toniutti.
    BTO, Oct 12, 2004
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