Better transmission line modeler for Affirma 4.4.6?

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Jason D. Bakos, Nov 13, 2003.

  1. Hello!

    Please help! I am in serious need of a way to model 3-dimensional groups of
    transmission lines for simulation in Affirma Analog Environment / Artist
    version 4.4.6.

    Right now I'm using the transmission line modeler that's included in
    Affirma. It seems to generate good capacitance and inductance matrices for
    transmission lines (striplines) placed in 2 dimensions (lines placed next to
    each other), but we're currently designing boards with striplines placed
    next to each other as well as on PCB layers above and below other lines. I
    believe FastHenry and FastCap from MIT have this ability (as well as several
    commercial tools), but I need to perform all my simulation in Affirma. Any

    Thanks in advance!
    Jason D. Bakos, Nov 13, 2003
  2. Hi,

    As far as I know FastHenry is able to write out Spice subcircuits for
    your transmission line model.
    Affirma Analog Env. or Spectre should be able to read them,
    if not try to convert them into spectre subcircuits with 'spp'
    (SPICE Reader), it comes with the Cadence installation.
    Just type spp in your terminal or spp -help.

    Regards Bernd
    Bernd Fischer, Nov 14, 2003
  3. You should also take a look at lmg in IC5032 or IC5033. A lot of improvements
    were made in IC50 and later - for example, handling dieletric loss, more
    flexibility in specifying the lines, co-planar waveguide etc.

    Using a .initlmg file:

    lmgLineType = Others
    lmgModelType = LossyWide
    lmgSubcktFormat = 0
    lmgNumLayers = 1
    lmgNumLines = 4
    lmgNumGndPlanes = 1
    lmgLengthUnit = um
    lmgFreqUnit = GHz
    lmgDielectricPermittivity = 3.4
    lmgDielectricThickness = 200
    lmgLossSigmaLossTang = VSIGMA
    lmgDielectricConductivity = 0.0
    lmgGndThickness = 20
    lmgGndSigma = 5.6e7
    lmgConductorWidth = 300
    lmgConductorGaps = -300
    lmgConductorThickness = 20
    lmgConductorHeight = 50 100 150 200
    lmgConductorLength = 5000
    _lmgConductivity = 5.6e7
    lmgMaxFreq = 10
    lmgSubCircuitName = tline
    lmgLRCGName = w_line.dat
    lmgOutputID = RLCG

    shows how to create 4 lines stacked on top of each other (for example). You can
    produce an RLGC file with frequency dependent RLGC matrices - these can
    then be used with spectre's mtline component for an accurate model of the line
    which behaves well over a wide frequency range.


    Andrew Beckett, Nov 18, 2003
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