Better to have multiple simple features, or 1 complex feature?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by SW Monkey, May 16, 2005.

  1. SW Monkey

    SW Monkey Guest

    Ive always wondered if its better to have multiple simple features in
    model, or 1 complex feature. Example, cut extrusion. I have some
    parts that have 30+ holes, and I have each set of holes as its own
    feature (also named for easy viewing). 5 holes may be for sideguards,
    and another 10 can be mounting points, etc. Is it better to group some
    of these holes in 1 feature, or does it really make a difference?
    SW Monkey, May 16, 2005
  2. Performance wise, I don't know - I have never tried to test it. I do know
    that simple sketches work better than complex ones, but where that point is,
    I don't know.

    I think what will make a bigger difference is doing it like you do. It is a
    bit more organized as you can name the features accordingly, you can
    suppress certain ones for different configs, and you can populate hardware
    with feature patterns, rather than manually.

    Wayne Tiffany, May 16, 2005
  3. Hi Monkey -

    Heart felt rules for myself-

    - 1 sketch for everything if possible: it allows me to adjust the whole
    mess from one point. I have even taken this to draw "phantoms" in one
    sketch and convert them in a subsequent feature to make the feature
    supressable, but to have both features controlled by a single sketch.
    This, for me, is a very valuable thing - maybe not for others. I
    usually also do all fillets in a sketch - perhaps bad in other

    - Holes are always made by the hole wizard. My only exception to this
    is when I know for sure that I only need one hole and will not ever
    need two of a certain size - also on revolved parts - the center is
    always part of the base revolve. Having patterns helps me when
    patterning hardware in assemblies later.

    - Sketch patterns when not too big, but external patterns when they get
    big - supressible.

    - Supressible features if showing a progression is needed for machining
    or forming.

    I always try for the tightest feature tree - it's a little bit of an
    obsession, but a needful one for me. Most of my parts are prismatic
    solids - no splines or surfaces.

    For what it's worth. Do what makes the best for you - no two working
    styles are the same and sometimes mixing styles is a problem.


    Sean-Michael Adams, May 16, 2005
  4. SW Monkey

    Guest Guest

    Avoid complex sketches. Rule of thumb: if you're struggling to make a
    sketch work you should be doing it with more than one feature.

    Sketches are dumb. Features are smart. Don't do a revolved cut for a
    hole, use the hole feature. You'll also benefit when you go to do the
    drawing, you'll get a hole callout if you use a hole feature, etc. etc.
    Also, don't sketch fillets unless you have to. Seperate features can
    be reordered, supressed, or easily modified, they have properties
    specific to their just their feature type.

    Overall you should strive to have a short well ordered model tree, but
    at the same time you should not try to do everything with one or two

    Layout sketches are very helpful too. And if you're smart you can
    reuse sketches for several features, especially by selecting contours.

    On top that use folders to organize related features. Always name your
    features and sketches, with descriptions if possible.

    I can't say for sure in SolidWorks but in Pro/E using the approriate
    feature for every aspect of your model decreases regeneration time.

    As per your holes, I'd use the hole wizard and a sketch pattern for
    each set. Then put them in a folder that identifies what they mount

    OT: why doesn't SW have derived feature patterns? In Pro/E they are
    called reference patterns. I used to define a hole patern(s) in a mold
    plate and then do a reference pattern in the mating plate(s). It was
    great b/c all my holes were tied together and all I had to (re)design
    was the mold plate.
    Guest, May 16, 2005
  5. SW Monkey

    modelsin3d Guest

    I dont see why you would not be able to do this. At the Assembly level,
    you could make a component/feature pattern and base it off the other
    part file so that if the one changes they both do.
    modelsin3d, May 16, 2005
  6. SW Monkey

    matt Guest

    Others have hit on some good points. I'll just add my votes for a few of

    - Simple sketches. Complex sketches fail easily when changed and take a
    long time to regenerate.

    - Sketch fillets are notorious for busting up the sketch when things
    change. Plus, if you want to get rid of them it's a real pain. Use
    feature fillets unless you absolutely have to use a sketch fillet.

    - Definitely try to use patterns. SW has some nice ways to pattern stuff.
    Don't overlook the sketch driven pattern (feature position driven by a
    bunch of points). The hole wizard pattern with multiple points works just
    like the sketch driven pattern. Remember that for the Hole Wiz, by default
    the pattern sketch is a 3D sketch and you can pattern holes to faces other
    than the first face, and the holes will all be normal to the faces they are
    placed on, including on non-planar faces.

    - Using the sketch "step and repeat" patterns always kills speed. I avoid
    this like the plague.

    - If you have a single fillet feature with 100 edges selected, it is faster
    than having 100 fillet features with 1 edge selected. Of course this is
    assuming that the two would give you equivalent geometry.

    matt, May 17, 2005
  7. Another thing that might be useful is the Feature Statistics, if speed
    is an issue.

    I played around with this a bit and it can tell you where your
    "fattest" features are.

    I made a simple model with Sketched Vs. Feature Fillets and found that
    they took an identical amount of time. My example was simple, but it
    should tell us what techniques are bad or good (performance wise).

    I think that the problem that comes in is when someone really goes at
    modeling in a round about way - there are many stylistic differences
    and I simply say "it's not what I would have done, but it's not wrong
    either" - other times you just shake your head and know that it is
    wrong - no discussions. I have seen point sketches premade for hole
    wizard features right on top of the pre-sketched points in a subsequent
    sketch. Some seem to only start any model with a cube and whittle away
    at it as if they we doing machining. I have seen people mate a hundred
    screws in an assembly seemingly unaware that patterning is even an
    option, not even using mate reference for screws - like it's easier to
    do it the "easy way" than to force ourselves to learn anything new.

    In any case, the feature statistic tool will be a fine helper if one
    lets it.



    (Slightly OT: I also wanted to mention that anyone who uses google to
    read mail might really like their new toolbar - it spell checks when
    you post or in any other web form. Take a look if you use google - its
    Sean-Michael Adams, May 17, 2005
  8. SW Monkey

    Guest Guest

    As far as I can tell you cannot use a feature pattern to drive another
    feature pattern.

    You can use a feature pattern to drive a component pattern, but that's
    Guest, May 17, 2005
  9. SW Monkey

    Guest Guest

    I think that this would be a fun thing to do and a great way to talk
    directly about modeling practices, everyone would probaly learn
    something. Any suggestions on what would be a good part to model?
    Guest, May 17, 2005
  10. SW Monkey

    Brian Guest

    This reminded me of a challenge they were always having on the inventor
    discussion. Go to
    There is a monthly challenge to quickly and accurately model a part. It
    is mainly designed to challenge inventor users, but could also be done
    by SW users. It would be a good head to head competition of Inventor vs. SW

    Brian, May 18, 2005
  11. SW Monkey

    matt Guest

    Until you want to remove the fillets or apply draft to the part or do a
    pattern or make changes that cause the sketch fillets to fail.

    A couple of years ago I did a test for patterning. The results are still
    around on my site.

    go to Rules of Thumb, then Patterns.
    matt, May 21, 2005
  12. SW Monkey

    Aussie Guest

    You could try either a derived sketch (and sketch based patterns), or the
    hole series (in hole wizard).

    Both have worked for different cases in the past for me...
    Aussie, May 27, 2005
  13. SW Monkey

    TOP Guest

    Really complex sketches take longer to solve. They can be a bear to
    maintain also. I leave fillets to the fillet feature.

    I do use sketches in contour mode so that design intent can be carried
    across multiple features. Even if the sketch is a little more
    complicated it is only solved once.

    Pattern features not sketch elements if possible.

    Grouping holes by size in a sketch makes sense. Using hole wizard for
    this also makes sense. The downside of grouping holes in separate
    sketches is when making a drawing with imported dimensions.
    TOP, May 27, 2005
  14. SW Monkey

    TOP Guest

    SolidWorks has held Design Contests from time to time. Cosmos has also
    done this. So has PTC. Tenlinks was involved with a SW / Inventor
    Shootout a while back. It didn't do much for the credibility of those
    that held it because it didn't have the support of one of the
    TOP, May 28, 2005
  15. SW Monkey

    Jeff Howard Guest

    My two cents:
    Marketing cr#p intended to benefit a software developer or fluff
    journalism. The Design Contests are interesting nonetheless.

    My hat's off to Peer and his efforts to set up and maintain the modeling
    challenge idea. It's something that benefits users. Those users are not
    necessarily contestants, as finished models are available for
    deconstruction, tutorial purposes.

    I've thought, in the past, going 'cross platform' would be interesting. It
    would be a source of irritation or satisfaction to product boosters for
    sure. More importantly it would be the first, that I know of, database of
    info going beyond banquerism; demonstrating different software when applied
    to a range of identical modeling tasks. Something users might find
    interesting and informative unless spoiled by boosters' bickering. If the
    "trade press" weren't afraid of stepping on toes, risking the loss of
    advertising dollars they'd host it and base a series of monthly articles on
    it, or am I overestimating the potential interest or the nature of "press"?

    Even without going cross platform it's a pretty neat idea assuming people
    willing to donate the time can be found and there's user interest.
    Jeff Howard, May 28, 2005
  16. SW Monkey

    neil Guest

    Perhaps a series of 'interesting modelling challenges' ? Maybe a 2 weekly about a SW tee shirt prize...could be posted out anywhere in the
    world?...maybe SW would oblige in the interests of good publicity and
    community spirit ;o)
    One of the things I miss about this group of late is the absence of the
    'find a soln to this' posts where people generously have a go at fixing
    problems or finding clever methods.
    A bit of diversionary fun but it got me thinking about how to use the
    program features to the max....a really good way to extend your skills and
    also enlightening to see others often better methods...
    neil, May 28, 2005
  17. SW Monkey

    TOP Guest

    I've never been much for contests. Probably for the same reasons you
    propound. Your idea sounds like the SW Challenge offered at SWW every
    year. That's a good challenge but it would be hard to evaluate over the
    NG. Something like this sounds like a job for the National SW User's
    group as they could no doubt come up with a decent prize.

    We had a sort of a challenge a while back when I made the statement
    that SW might not really be a solid modeler. A couple guys came up
    with some ingenious solutions.
    TOP, May 29, 2005
  18. Paul,
    I'm on it. I have contacted John off line with a similar suggestion.
    We will be putting something together and getting the SWUGN folks
    involved. You're right - they have the best goodies!

    Richard Doyle, May 29, 2005
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