better than flatten?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by john m, Feb 24, 2004.

  1. john m

    john m Guest


    I am looking for a routine that does the same thing that the express
    tools flatten does. The support services here do not flatten drawings for
    production because they say that the flatten program creates more problems
    by making its own layer names and block names, etc.

    I use a battery of lisp routines that fail when they encounter 3d

    Does anyone know of a program (lisp or vba) that can remove all 3d info
    from a draiwng?

    thanks for any response

    john m, Feb 24, 2004
  2. john m

    Ben Guest

    You could plot it out to a DXB file, and then DXBIN. However, that will
    probably cause more issues than flatten does.

    You would have to configure a DXB printer first.
    Ben, Feb 24, 2004
  3. john m

    Yves Guest

    Do you need only 3dPolylines... I wrote one for this, well at least it would
    take care of them!

    Sub PolyConv2D()
    Dim sset As AcadSelectionSet, ent As AcadEntity
    Dim cadObject As AcadEntity, pt1(0 To 2) As Double, pt2(0 To 2) As
    Dim obj3DPline As Acad3DPolyline, pts() As Double, nmbPts As Integer
    Dim PTWorld As Variant, OCSNorm, DeltaX As Double, deltaY As Double,
    DeltaZ As Double
    Dim objPline As AcadPolyline, t As Double, intX As Double, intY As
    Dim objPt As AcadPoint, pt(0 To 2) As Double, i As Integer, elev As
    Dim LayName As String, lWeight As Integer
    Dim test, j As Integer
    Set sset = Nothing
    Set sset = ThisDrawing.PickfirstSelectionSet
    sset.Select acSelectionSetAll
    'convertis toute les polylines 3D en 2D à l'élévation 0 (Zéro)
    'elev = InputBox("Elevation : ", , 4500)
    For Each ent In sset
    If TypeName(ent) = "IAcad3DPolyline" Then
    j = j + 1
    Set obj3DPline = ent
    nmbPts = UBound(obj3DPline.Coordinates)
    ReDim pts(nmbPts)
    'get points pt1 and pt2 of each segments
    For i = 0 To nmbPts Step 3
    pts(i) = obj3DPline.Coordinates(i)
    pts(i + 1) = obj3DPline.Coordinates(i + 1)
    pts(i + 2) = 0
    'pour mettre les nouvelles poly sur le bon layer
    LayName = ent.layer
    lWeight = ent.Lineweight
    Set objPline = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddPolyline(pts)
    'applique le layer couleur et lineweight
    With objPline
    .layer = LayName
    .Color = acByLayer
    .Lineweight = lWeight
    End With
    End If
    MsgBox (j & " , 3d poly changées")
    End Sub
    Yves, Feb 24, 2004
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