better appearance (x,y,z) crosshair

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by sadrolashrafi, Nov 18, 2003.

  1. Hi
    I am an Autocad r14 user .
    I want to know how I can change the style and size of the value (x,y,z) of
    crosshair in the left below of Autocad display under text area for better
    appearance .

    sadrolashrafi, Nov 18, 2003
  2. sadrolashrafi

    gruhn Guest

    I think you mean the UCS icon

    I think OP means the numeric readout of cursor position as displayed on the
    In which case I haven't figure out a way. Maybe "Large Fonts" would have an
    effect. But I can't seem to find that to test it.
    gruhn, Nov 18, 2003
  3. Hi gruhn
    Yes you are write I mean the numeric readout of cursor position as
    displayed on the statusbar ,the value (x,y,z) of crosshair in the left
    below of Autocad display (screen)under text area . But how I can
    change the style and size of it .
    sadrolashrafi, Nov 19, 2003
  4. sadrolashrafi

    gruhn Guest

    well, I suppose you could stretch it to mean
    "quite a reach" neener neener neener. ;-)
    gruhn, Nov 19, 2003
  5. sadrolashrafi

    gruhn Guest

    But how I can change the style and size of it .

    I tried, but was unable. I did not make the changes I tried, close AutoCAD
    and then reopen. Most changes I tested were through the Windows "Display
    Properties" dialog on the "appearance" tab. Menu text height, etc. Just
    hoping that maybe ACAD used them for inspiration. Maybe if ACAD were
    restarted... Somehow, I doubt it.
    gruhn, Nov 19, 2003
  6. sadrolashrafi

    gruhn Guest

    OK, I bow to your superior ability to decipher the undecipherable.

    I preen arrogantly.
    gruhn, Nov 19, 2003
  7. I just keyed your car.
    Michael Bulatovich, Nov 19, 2003
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