Best text exporting for archiving purpose

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by m.deng, Feb 10, 2005.

  1. m.deng

    m.deng Guest

    If I want to export cdb library to text format for archiving, so it
    would be possible/easy for me to look at a specific part or to search
    something with text tools in the future when I don't need a full access
    to Cadence environment. This may also serve the purposes of CVS
    archiving. Which text format is the best to choose, DEF, EDIF or you
    name it?

    m.deng, Feb 10, 2005
  2. You may consider using the command "dbWriteSkill()" which translates
    any database in text SKILL, so you may retreive 100% equivalent
    database if your reload later this SKILL.

    Kholdoun TORKI
    Kholdoun TORKI, Feb 11, 2005
  3. m.deng

    G Vandevalk Guest

    This works for most things, but I recall a few gotcha's:

    connection or contact Pcells
    complex arrays
    CDF info.
    Tech file info

    This type of info requires a bit more than dbWriteSkill().
    (actually slighlty different commands for some, special licenses for others)
    I recall that my last company had automated all of this!

    And then you use a simple ascii version
    control system and a (not so simple) set
    of makefiles and build scripts to rebuild
    your library(s)!


    -- Gerry Vandevalk -- "Making Smarter Layouts "
    G Vandevalk, Feb 11, 2005
  4. m.deng

    fogh Guest


    I believe you need to add the "bags", property bags, as well.

    About the version control system: did it provide a way to annotate
    differences on schematics ?
    fogh, Feb 13, 2005
  5. m.deng

    G Vandevalk Guest

    Yup. bags are also problematic. (and groups, and many other rarely used
    skill & artist things)

    We made no effort to annotate differences. Essentially we built a simple
    superset of basic/analogLib and a few others ... just to protect ourselves
    cadence "improved" things in these cells. These were just for schematic

    Then for each physical library we would create a new set of cells that were
    specific to
    the given technology.

    We then updated the masterSchematic library devices to reference the right
    layout devices
    with some careful netlisting and property updates.

    In this environment we expected vedry little change in the symbols. (in fact
    we enforced a policy
    of never removing/renaming pins.) If pin changes were necessary, a new named
    device was created.

    This technique, along with the skill dump and tableRename() capability, let
    us create technology
    independant schematics. We also created a skill based moveLayers()
    capability that let us morf
    layouts from one technology to another.

    (This, of course, overlooks the many gotcha's that such a system had. We
    were able to get around and
    avoid most, and learned how to hand-hold & code around the rest!)

    ;^( Too bad this COT tooling system was mothballed and is no longer in
    use )^;
    G Vandevalk, Feb 14, 2005
  6. I would NOT recommend using dbWriteSkill for archiving purposes.

    It is primarily for disaster recovery - and (originally) for getting data back
    from 4.4 to 4.3.4.

    Archive the original databases; we've provided tools in the past to upgrade
    the databases to newer versions (from Edge to Opus, from 4.3.4 to 4.4, from
    CDBA to OA) on the relatively rare occasions where the database changes (at
    least not in a minor way, and then the database version can be up-revved).

    More likely to cause you trouble is the design kit that you're using, and that
    would be because of SKILL changes (much less common these days due to the
    processes that we've put in place to ensure public functions are kept
    compatible from release to release where possible), or more likely because:

    a) the PDK checks what version it is running, and barfs if a later version is
    b) the PDK loads a context file containing the SKILL code, and that context
    file is not valid in the specified version.

    So normally what you'd do is either get hold of a new PDK version which
    supports the version being restored from archive (best solution), or you
    should archive the actual software version used on the design as well as all
    the data.

    Andrew Beckett, Feb 14, 2005
  7. m.deng

    fogh Guest

    ah! A robust set of wrappers for analog reuse and synthesis... with all
    the right buzzwords it should have been a success. Victim of the bad times ?
    At least you had the guts to try. I would not have dared.
    The tool is maybe scrapped, but the experience stays. You can one day
    become the yoda of PDK templates & layout migration :)
    fogh, Feb 14, 2005
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