best practices for naming configurations?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by mike, May 8, 2009.

  1. mike

    mike Guest

    Hey guys,

    Any recommendations for working with configurations? For example,
    naming them. I started giving them the whole part name, then adding
    the specific configuration name at the end, like this:

    part name: support, fuel tank
    configuration 1 name: support, fuel tank, short
    configuration 2 name: support, fuel tank, long

    then I specify in each configuration that I want to use the
    configuration name in the BOM...

    however when we come to the drawing, I have the drawing sheet format
    fill in two things in the name block:


    That way, if the part has no configurations, the part name tells what
    it is. If the part has configurations, there is some duplication due
    to the configuration name including the part name (for sake of making
    BOMs work). A drawing title block for the first configuration above
    would look like this:

    support, fuel tank
    (support, fuel tank, short)

    How does everyone else handle the drawing/BOM naming schemes?

    It seems kind of dumb IMO that I have to come up with workarounds like
    this to use configurations. Am I missing something here? I'm using
    solidworks 2007 BTW.


    mike, May 8, 2009
  2. mike

    manager Guest

    I name the default configuration the same as the filename. For me file
    names are generally numbers, part numbers to be specific. This way each
    configuration is a distinct part number. I then make the configuration
    description, the configuration specific custom property description the
    same. In a PDM system you can then search on the description for various
    types of parts. In a drawing the part number becomes the filename, the
    title block description the config specific description and the drawing
    number may be unique and different from the part number.

    manager, May 8, 2009
  3. mike

    mike Guest

    In a drawing the part number becomes the filename, the
    OK, the part number is the configuration name, as you said earlier, so
    how do you get the drawing to be named after the configuration name
    instead of the part name? Do you manually change the drawing name or
    is there some trick?

    mike, May 8, 2009
  4. mike

    manager Guest

    Well, if the default configuration has been renamed to the part
    filename, then SW will, by default give the drawing the same name as the
    part which will be the same name as the configuration. However, in a
    drawing I think it is best to pull in information from configuration
    specific custom properties. Therefore when starting a part you name the
    default configuration to the filename which is the part number. You also
    create a configuration specific custom property with the part number in
    it. I do it with a macro.

    manager, May 8, 2009
  5. For manufactured components, we use a suffix on the end of the part
    number. By default all parts end in -00. This means default, or in
    the case of sheet metal parts, the flat pattern. Then the
    configurations progress from -01 to -99. -01 and -02 are left and
    right for mirror folded sheet metal parts that are made from the same
    default or -00 config. If the configs. are not manufactured, just
    shown for modelling purposes, then we generally use descriptive names,
    ie; compressed, short, etc.

    I guess the point to note is that all manufactured items require a
    unique way of being identified. We use sequential numbers for this to
    avoid any confusion or different designers having different ideas as
    to naming conventions. After using different methods, I now loath
    designs that have descriptive names.

    Dom '96 E39 523i, May 19, 2009
  6. mike

    Guest Guest

    Using descriptive names for parts it is too difficult to be unique.
    Descriptive names for features and sketches is good though.

    Guest, May 19, 2009
  7. mike

    manager Guest

    A few years back I set up PDM for my company. dbWorks had no problem
    tracking our part numbering scheme. What I learned is that as soon as
    you try and automate anything it has to be automation friendly which
    means the exceptions that humans have no problem with are a big deal for
    software to deal with. Because we were an engineering house and not a
    programming house it was deemed better to have meaningless part numbers
    (read sequential). Dash numbers were for sub-configurations like
    simplified, fea, sheet metal flat pattern, blank, etc. Because we used
    design tables top level configurations were always parts. The lesson
    learned from the dbWorks people was their method of assembling
    descriptions. This is where the part searches should focus. They had a
    hierachical, automated system to create descriptions quickly so even
    that could be automated.

    manager, May 19, 2009
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