Best computer for 2k7

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by RC_cola, May 23, 2007.

  1. RC_cola

    RC_cola Guest

    Hey all,
    Any suggestions on computers to use with 2007? What company uses the
    best components for use with 2007?
    I've been looking at dell, but I'm not entirely clear on what graphics
    card is necessary and what processor agrees well with solidworks.
    The vibe I've been getting from reading other threads is....
    -lots of RAM (4 - 8 gigs)
    -good processor (core 2 duo?)
    -fast hard drives (RAID and high RPM)
    -the right video card (nvidia?)
    My budget is about 2-3k without a monitor

    Thanks for the help,
    RC_cola, May 23, 2007
  2. RC_cola

    Mike Zobrest Guest

    I would avoid Dell because of all their proprietary stuff and limited
    video card selection, check out
    For 3K you can get an overclocked Intel extreme core 2 or a dual
    processor Xeon. I wish I could get my hands on a dual Xeon and see
    how it performs in the real world vs. a core 2.
    Mike Zobrest, May 23, 2007
  3. RC_cola

    TOP Guest

    I've posted this before, but one of our guys was gotten a really fast
    Dell and it is only about 20% faster than my 3 year old AMD64 FX53.
    Part of it is the Intel processor holding it back and part of it is
    all the services they run by default.

    TOP, May 23, 2007
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