Best Aproach?: BatchPlot from PDF Required

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Dan, Mar 16, 2005.

  1. Dan

    Dan Guest

    Sounds simple, but I have yet to find the solution.

    I desire the following:

    A routine to batch plot, selected PDF files.

    This is where things get complicated, I will try to be clear as possible.

    The drawing files are setup to include a "D" size in one layout tab, and (2)
    "A" size on (2) other layout tabs.
    The "D"size is the part drawing, and "A" sizes are the BOM.

    The creation of PDF files is not the problem.

    It is required that the BOM stay with the drawing, so that a single PDF file
    is created with (1) "D" size and (2) "A" size sheets.

    This is all wonderful, to this point, and easily accomplished.

    The problem comes in when the PDF files need to be plotted out.

    Since the PDF File contains "A" & "D" sizes, I have yet to find code, or
    application that will batch plot a PDF, and print the appropriate size sheet
    to the appropriate printers. I have seen some utilities that will allow the
    user to select the printer, but then through many options, the layout,
    sheets size, etc. is required from the user.

    This is fine if (1) PDF file is being plotted, but what about 1000's?

    Shouldn't there be a way to determine printer based upon sheet size?
    I would simply like the user to select PDF files to be plotted, then select
    desired printer for "A" & "D" sizes, and BATCH.

    Shouldnt this be possible?

    I am trying to figure out code to do this, or find a utility that already
    has this ability.

    Any help is appreciated,
    Dan, Mar 16, 2005
  2. Your in the wrong ng. You need to consult Adobe and their answer will
    inevitably be to become an Adobe developer. That gives you access/info to
    their API so you can accomplish what you want.

    Easier method is to use DWF.

    -- Mike
    Mike Tuersley
    the trick is to realize that there is no spoon...
    Mike Tuersley, Mar 17, 2005
  3. Dan

    Dan Guest

    Thank you Mike, I will look into DWF further.
    Dan, Mar 17, 2005
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