Bentley's Product Line

Discussion in 'Microstation' started by Jose Bonifacio, Mar 3, 2004.

  1. Good morning everyone,

    It is strange but I have noticed that Bentley has been merging it
    various product lines into smaller groups.. i.e. GeoOutlook,
    Geographics, Geoexchange, Descartes, Reprographics --> V8 Geographics?

    Our company was reviewing our upgrade options last week and we were
    surprised that most of the products that we bought several years ago
    were no longer available is better for us now
    because we only have to buy 1 license (V8+Select EC) but my boss then
    realised that maybe there really is not much difference between the 4
    products that we bought individually before.

    Somehow he felt that the company was duped into buying the 5 products
    individually (some with Select!!!).

    To make things worse, we were also not notified that the said products
    were being delisted. No upgrade option to V8 even if part of

    So after reviewing some of our other options based on purchased price,
    my boss opted to go with IntelliCAD 4 (only $100+!!). We will use the
    existing individual products until they drop dead from exhaustion...

    This post is just to let other companies out there who are still
    chained to the Bentley products to also review their options.
    Jose Bonifacio, Mar 3, 2004
  2. Jose Bonifacio

    domlanic Guest

    Agree, generally; don't think Bentley deliberately set out to
    disadvantage or upset their customers. However, an example of this was
    the dropping of Modeler along with a promise that most of it would be
    inorporated in a future release of Microstation. That was several
    years ago & Modeler has not made it fully into Microstation yet;
    meantime subscribers have made 4-5 Select payments....but that's how
    it goes for most CAD vendors- look at the furore over Inventor

    Its often at this point that infatuation with one's favourite system
    begins to pall & you start looking at alternatives; I did a training
    course in SolidWorks which (almost) convinced me to buy it. 2 years
    later along comes Alibre at 10% the cost of SW & lots of the same
    functionality- then there's Rhino..........

    How to choose- even if you could afford them all there's not enough
    time to train in all; but a lot of folks are waking up to the
    realisation that the old established mainstream CAD products are
    ridiculously expensive, especially allowing for their outdated
    interfaces & toolsets.

    This is where the subscription model falls down; essentially you are
    running the same 1980's car with facelifts & exorbitant maintenance
    costs. Better to ditch it & buy a new model to benefit from the latest
    domlanic, Mar 3, 2004
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