Bentley releasing Version 6????????

Discussion in 'Microstation' started by Anthony and Kirsty, Jul 15, 2003.

  1. This question must have been asked, but how do I force level symbology
    on a design file. For the life of me I cannot figure it out

    We are an Architectural firm that MUST use colour=level. If I cannot use it
    on version8
    (or is it 6- a step backewards) then I will be sticking with V7.

    Anthony Cox
    Red Box Design Group
    Anthony and Kirsty, Jul 15, 2003
  2. Anthony and Kirsty

    Dave Preston Guest

    V8 uses 'bylevel' properties, in exactly the same way that AutoCad uses
    What's more you can set and enforce standards using level libraries, as you
    can for text and dimension styles.
    V8 is definitely a big step forward. I imagine you deal with people using
    AutoCAD? We have just completed an AutoCad job for a client with a mix of
    AutoCad and MicroStation V8 working directly with dwg files - no
    translations. There were a few teething troubles, but Bentley sorted them


    Dave Preston
    Dave Preston, Jul 16, 2003
  3. -------------------------------------------------
    in MicroStation V8, each level has two categories of settings for symbology.
    One is exactly what "bylayer" symbology of AutoCAD is (now the default
    setting in the level manager dialog box).
    The other is the same as level symbology was in all versions prior to V8.
    You can switch between these categories by the option menu right besides the
    word "symbology" in the level manager dialog box.
    Hope this helps, M.B.
    Martin Blanke, Jul 16, 2003
  4. Yes, I was feeling a bit sick last night ( and managed to get a personal rap
    across the knuckles from Phil at Bentley)

    One very serious question.

    I have a live file, and two reference files.
    Originally they are all based on the same seed file, and same colour table
    have a default colour of level 1 = colour 1 etc

    I want to set the colour of one reference file to all white, and the other I
    want to map to any colour I like
    the live file I want to keep as is.

    How do I do it.

    (We use colour alot in our working drawings)

    Anthony and Kirsty, Jul 16, 2003
  5. In View Attributes (Ctrl+B) set Level Symbology on. Press the Apply

    In the Level Manager (Ctrl+E), open the files panel and the symbology
    tab. Select the Symbology tab. Hilight the active file in the list.
    Toggle off any checkboxes in the lower right panel. Press the Apply

    Then hilight the reference file that you want white. In the levels
    list, click and drag with your mouse, from level 1 downward. Move your
    mouse below the list and it will scroll all the way to 63. Release the
    mouse button. Toggle on the color checkbox in the upper right pannel
    (toggle off everything else.) Set the color picker to white. Press the
    upper Apply Button. Toggle on the color button in the lower right
    panel (toggle off everything else.) Press the lower Apply button.

    Repeat that process for reference file 2.

    Update the view.

    If the colors are wrong, its because the reference files have
    differing color tables and your user preferences, under Reference
    Files has Use Color Table on.
    Chuck Rheault aka CADDCOP, Jul 17, 2003
  6. Of course.

    All of our V7 files are set to Level Symbology on as default, and when I
    opened up
    a standard sheet file, I found that I couldn't get anything to change

    For those who may be reading this with interest (at my stupidity)

    This is the way I think it works.

    An element can be coloured in three ways.

    With Level Symbology set to ON, the colours listed in the level manager
    under "override" is used

    With Level Symbology OFF, the colour of the element will be either.
    Its original colour attribute
    The colour set for the entire layer - but only if the element is told
    to use the "by level" colour.

    (Which of course, ours wasn't)

    I still think I a correct in thinking that I still have greater control over
    the colour by using override and Level Symbology On.

    My problem is that I have looked at V8, seen similarities to
    AutoCAD and then ahve an instant mental block on the whole thing.
    Anthony and Kirsty, Jul 18, 2003
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