Bend table for drawing, what does your company do?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by SW Monkey, Feb 24, 2005.

  1. SW Monkey

    SW Monkey Guest

    SW Monkey, Feb 24, 2005
  2. SW Monkey

    CS Guest

    we do the same. I saw mention of a macro that automatically adds the notes
    here in the NG. I don't remember who wrote it and haven't tried it just yet
    though I have been thinking about it lately.

    CS, Feb 25, 2005
  3. SW Monkey

    SW Monkey Guest

    Corey, have you ever used a excel sheet on a drawing? We thinking
    about using one for the bend table, since its easier to edit than a

    We are still using 2004. Is there any negatives to using an excel
    sheet as a bend table?
    SW Monkey, Feb 25, 2005
  4. SW Monkey

    CS Guest

    Except for SW native OLE I never really liked the non-native OLE spread
    sheets. They are kind of funny to work with, and I found them hard to just
    show the cells you want. I did use them once for a non production job.
    Advertising wanted to show the free space around our different layouts of
    safety rail and I found that an excel spread sheet got the job done the
    easiest but I don't know if I would use it for the bend table.

    A trick I use sometimes is if you dimension the bends in a side view you can
    link the notes you add to the actual dimension, and hide the dimensions.
    Then your note will update with any linked angle changes. I'm not going to
    use a spread sheet for bends though. How complex are your parts? How many
    bends? What percentage are parallel to eachother? Did you check out that
    macro? I believe it was being offered for free.

    CS, Feb 25, 2005
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