Bathroom details

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by pcoil, May 21, 2004.

  1. pcoil

    pcoil Guest

    Does anyone have or know where I can find some details for bathroom accessories? I am particularly looking for a plan view of a baby changing station.

    pcoil, May 21, 2004
  2. I went to and searched for "diaper changing station" and got the
    following found at the link below:

    Watch out for word wrap.
    Daniel J. Altamura, R.A.
    Altamura Architectural Consulting
    and SoftWorx, Autodesk Authorized Developer

    accessories? I am particularly looking for a plan view of a baby changing
    Daniel J. Altamura, R.A., May 21, 2004
  3. pcoil

    Stephen J Guest

    thats what I was going to suggest. Either look in sweets or if you dont
    have them go to

    Stephen J
    Stephen J, May 21, 2004
  4. pcoil

    teiarch Guest can be slow sometimes. I've often had better luck searching using a generic product name as a search guide.
    teiarch, May 23, 2004
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